Title: You Know What They Say About Big Hands
Pairing: Ron/Katie; imaginary Snape/Umbridge. Ha.
Prompt: "You've got to be quiet."
Rating: PG13 for naughty talk?
Word Count: 531
Summary: Ron only wanted to apologize.
Warnings: Stick-figure fornication. Innuendo. Silliness.
Notes: I wrote this for the fantastic
bendleshnitz1 for her correct guess on my (still totally seekrit)
wizard_love fic, hahaha.
The bleeding had long stopped by the time he found her, holed up in the stacks at the library with her feet propped up on a table somewhere far to the left of Madam Pince’s disapproving stare. The book she’d set open in front of her was upside down, and when Ron snuck up behind her and poked his head over her shoulder to spy - if there was one thing he’d learned in all of his endeavours with Harry, it was stealth - she was doodling dirty pictures on a piece of parchment and animating them.
He sniggered before he spoke, and that gave him away.
Katie slammed the open book down over her parchment and turned to look, her eyes wide and startled. When she saw who it was, she carefully arranged her face into an amused scowl. Ron had never seen another expression like it. It was uniquely Katie. “Oh look,” she said, arching her eyebrows. “If it isn’t the brute who mangled me today on the Pitch. Well done, Weasley. You turn that shite around on the other team, we just might have a shot.”
“Right,” Ron said, heaving his long body into the seat beside her. “About that…”
Katie interrupted him. “No harm done. Your bloody brother’s Nosebleed Nougat shite was worse’n the Quaffle to the face, actually. He’s a right prat, Fred.”
Ron smiled with relief. “I grew up in the same house. Don’t have to tell me.”
“I figured.”
Katie fidgeted with her flattened book, and Ron pointed to it. “Good likeness of Umbridge, by the way. But I don’t think she’s quite that flexible. And do you think Snape is that large, really? I always pictured him on the smaller side. You know… with him being such a twat and all. Or maybe it’s just the nose he’s cheesed off about.”
Smiling wickedly, Katie said, “He’s got to be huge, don’t you think? Have you seen the size of his hands?”
Ron wrinkled his nose in disgust. “I never really…”
“You just said you thought he’d be small.”
Ron paused. “Suppose I did, didn’t I? I mean, it’s not like I spend an awful lot of time on it.”
Arching an eyebrow, Katie nodded at Ron’s hands, clasped on top of the table. “Come to think of it, Weasley, you’ve got rather large hands yourself. Bigger than Fred’s.”
Ron could feel his skin heating up as though Katie had just cast an Incendio in his direction. He quickly averted his eyes, and Katie’s tinkling laugh echoed through the silence. “You’ve got to be quiet,” he muttered lamely. “We’re in the library.”
“Right,” she said with a mock-severe nod. “You’re a Prefect. I forgot. Maintaining order and such.”
“Err… right.”
With a quick flick of her wand, Katie set her book back upright, revealing her sketch . “So do I get detention for this one?” she asked.
Recovering himself, Ron nodded. “Definitely. At least three nights.”
Katie grinned, changing the hair-colours of her fornicating figures to match her own and Ron’s. “Only three? This is downright filthy, don’t you think? I mean, look where you're... Snape's... putting it.”
“You're right. Make it five.”