Title: Bittersweet
Character/Pairing: Fred/George
Prompt: honeymoon
Rating: G/PG
Warnings: (Non-explicit) Twinslash ♥
Notes: I wrote this for
weasley_100. The newest prompts are going unloved, so go fix that!
Excitement makes Fred tremble; desire makes him clumsy. As George watches his brother stab ineffectually at the lock to their new flat, he sees both. For a brief moment, he is gripped by a tenderness so fierce it feels almost foreign; it would feel foreign if it were anyone else.
But this is Fred. His Fred.
George waits patiently for a moment before taking the key from his hands.
Fred takes a step, but George throws himself between his brother and the door and in a mighty gesture, lifts Fred off the ground and heaves him through, bittersweet-laughing. “This is the closest thing we’ll ever have to a honeymoon.”