Title: Spiders
l3petitemort Prompt: The Burrow
Weasley Character/Pairing: Ron/Harry (just an innocent little shadow of it)
Rating: G
Notes/Warnings: This is a just a little drabble I wrote for
weasley_100 - which you should definitely go join.
The first time it happened was at The Burrow.
Harry was sleeping in Ron's bed, and Ron was on the camp bed beside him on the floor (because switching off was only fair.) Ron's panicked voice and his warm, urgent hand woke him.
"Harry! Harry!" he said, bouncing on the balls of his feet, looking nervously around. "Harry! There's a spider on the floor!"
Generally, Harry would rise, bleary-eyed, and with a begrudging gallantry, dispose of it. This time, however, he simply said, "Get in." Ron crawled across him and, without a word, nestled in between Harry and the wall, and they both fell promptly back to sleep.