Mar 30, 2008 22:11
So um...I joined the drill team. I start tomorrow. Pretty awesome. Yay black rope. I'm also doing relay for life. That'll be fun.
Found a group where I can sort of be one of the guys again. Had one of them spill his heart to me, though, and I had to tell him that I don't dig him like that. It's all good though. Sometimes I wish guys would stop having femotions. It makes me uncomfortable. I'm bad at dealing with my own emotions as it is.
I still like a boy that maybe I shouldn't like, but he's really sweet, so it's all good. I just wish I knew how he felt about me.
Chinese is going pretty well. Speaking still makes me nervous, but I can go to my favourite Chinese place and order my meal entirely in Chinese. The waitress loves it. We chat it up. It's pretty cool. I have a mid-unit test tomorrow. I'm a little scared of the speaking part, but I always am. Otherwise, I am fairly confident. Hopefully this test will get me off SA (special assistance) and I'll have an extra hour after school before PC or drill. Not half bad.
It's official. I will be home the second week of July. I just have to get the details worked out. If all goes as I'd like it to, I should be home on the 4th and be able to stay until the following weekend. The weekend of the 4th will likely be spent at camp with my family, as my grandparents will be in town then, and well...let's face first. But no worries, I'll be home the rest of the week, and we'll all have to get together. The usual Diner run and whatnot. It will be swell and I will be thrilled, as I miss you all to death.
Alright, I don't know what else to say, so I'm gonna go finish up my homework now. I'll catch y'all later.
Much love, Kate.