Week Home, Week Back

Nov 30, 2018 21:55

Thanksgiving break was great. All my siblings made it home for the holiday. Had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, saw some of my Cleveland friends. Went out the night before Thanksgiving for a great Ethiopian meal at Empress Taytu Restaurant (new favorite, definitely need to go back!). Had lunch at the Shaker Square Yours Truly, though found out that's no longer open for dinner. Had a relaxing weekend back in Boston before getting back to work.

This week work has been rolling along.

On Wednesday, we went to one of the Science by the Pint talks at Aeronaut.

Yesterday, we went to a potluck hosted by Trish and Andy, who we met at Sandy Island. Turns out our social circles overlap quite a bit. Was fun, very nice to get out and see people.

Eris continues to be adorable and hard to get to sleep. She wants eight bedtime stories (and it's hard to keep it at that). She jumps on the bed every night. She pretends to be a puppy and licks my face (I'm surely going to get all the diseases, but it's still pretty cute).

This entry was originally posted on Dreamwith.
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travel, boston, holidays, food, friends, parenting, family

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