EDITED :: Late night musings of a distracted mind......or just a bunch of bullshit for no reason

Mar 07, 2010 15:24

Ok, so the last couple of weeks a lot has happened....
Let's just get these pesky updates out of the way quickly so I can get on to the 'musing'  : )

Ok, so last Monday I called into work to get my schedule and Blake says, "Oh, I really don't know how to say this.....but you aren't even on this week's schedule........."
I just bought an 80 dollar phone with a 60 dollar a month bill AND I spent 34 dollars on an outfit for the previous Friday because the teenybopper BIMBO'S I workED with decided that the uniform for that day was to be TARGET COLORS.....
Sorry bitches but I just don't OWN SUCH THINGS!
Well joke's on you Britt cus we all have to match! Like its a goddamn pep rally or something.


But yeah.........I talked to Mr. Kim and his usually adorable broken English just pissed me off more than white girls mispronouncing words like 'manga' and 'Kyo' (if you do this then im sorry but it SERIOUSLY PISSES ME OFF)
He said, "I usual ee only give girls two weeks...you four week and still no good. You no good."
*insert silent screaming*
All I could really say was, "....well I know I'm not perfect Mr. Kim but I was under the impression that I was, if nothing else, improving!"
Bad choice of words apparently because he got really pissed off then, probably because he didn't have a CLUE what I had just said.
His reply?
"I worked in US for fify years. I know everything."
Oh and I was in the bathroom of me and my bf's usual Monday Night Date @ Mimi's Cafe having this LOVELY conversation.

The kpop au university rp I'm in as T.O.P is also slowly dieing.....and there's a mun there that pisses me off so thoroughly I want to pull my hair out when she signs on! And guess what!? She's in the rp me and some of my friends are moving to.


But otherwise I really like the new rp. All my biases are taken so I picked up Daesung and I'm working on Kang Hyukmin, an uljjang that I'm actually QUITE infatuated with atm. XDDDD
Srsly the boy is the wallpaper on the aforementioned phone! And the screen saver so that after 15 seconds I can see the picture without the time/date and that annoying ass welcome banner that you just CANT get rid of!!!
But yeah so that's been my week.
Yay me........*puts the barrel in her mouth*

But because when all else fails Big Bang and icon making saves my life I finally read that 14 part interview with Jiyong and I made a handful of icons and a cool banner!

I want to talk about that interview for a while though so just bare with me people.
First off, I love Kwon Jiyong like no other nameless faceless celebrity I've ever admired.
And I do admire him on a basic human level.
And not because his ass is bangin and his kicks are tight.
(both of which are very true but not really the point people >.>)
Honestly, most of the things in that interview, or that can be extrapolated from that interview, I would like to think I've gleaned just from watching, listening, and all together STALKING Kwon Jiyong. <3
A lot of that stuff you can just see in his face, especially when he's performing! *sigh*
But when I first heard 'A Boy' I was just dumbstruck!
And I really just wish I could wrap him up in bubble wrap and take a bazooka to the neitzens!!!
FUCKIN HATERS! You get up there and pour your heart into a series of 3 minute chunks!!
You spend all of your formative years with absolutely no certainty to your future (way more than is normal!)
You eat, drink, sleep, breath your work!
I just...........
Oh god I'm starting to SERIOUSLY feel like the "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE" fag!!!
*puppy dog eyes*
Please? Somebody save me!?

But honestly I don't think I'm one of those psycho fans....
I mean yeah I can point fingers at the blood writers and be like "THAT'S NOT ME!"
But honestly how many of us are like that!? FUCK!
-momentary wave of revulsion-
Ok....so yeah I love Jiyong and everything he's done and everything he will do.
I have the utmost respect for his work and his work ethic.
Honestly I can sit here and say with a straight face, "I wish I was more like him..."
And not in the sense that OH I WISH I WAS AN IDOL!
Never in a million years would I want that life.
I would love to be able to sing my heart out to others but....
The price we make them pay for being talented is just too high.

Part 14/14
Because it has links to all previous parts.

In conclusion:: I'm back to looking for work everyday, I have a renewed (although it never wavered) respect for my number one bias, I miss Kangin so much its starting to piss me off, I'm now even more in love with gimp, I'm starting to like kpop rp's less and less, but I love the friends I've made in them more and more!

I really wish i had the 'moar moar' gtop gif from LIES! XDDD

Oh, and I need to find a guide to living with an internet obsessed significant other for James,
Anybody help me here?

Nobody can help me here....

~and two banners~

(first two are NEW!!)
{1} Gtop
{10} TOP ~ kpop20in20 Round 6 
(6 extras and 4 faves)
{5} Kang Hyukmin
{16} J-Fasion
(old texture practice)
{4} model20in20 Round 5
(first icontest EVER!)











{1} G-Dragon ~ 800x600
{1} Lolita23q ~ 700x369

%banners, kwon jiyong, kpop, %icons, g-dragon, gtop, icon dump, lolita23q, kang hyuk min, j-fashion, t.o.p, jrock

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