WARNING :: Rambling and Foul Language!

Feb 11, 2010 23:25

Yeah I did this...
Also I have an awesome thing going on this Saturday!!

My favorite gay friend is shutting down our favorite bar for his personal birthday party!!
Three of our friend's band's things....whatever are going to play and he get's to sing a couple of songs with them!!
Crazy jealous.....secretly I've always wanted to sing in  a band >.>
I think that's like every girls dream though so whatever.
I wish I could sing for real in front of somebody so I could at least know if I'm tone deaf or not.....

Um............anything else >.>?
I really hope I can get some good pictures from the party because I already got my dress and
it is
*limp wrists*

Oh and now that I've gushed and gushed about my awesome cool stuff
I just want to extend another HUGE apology and TONS of gratitude to
the awesomely amazing fantastic life saving
And you are seriously saving my whole life!
Once I get used to my work schedule and get into a routine we ARE going to set up a posting schedule.
I know I'll have a little time tomorrow before my shift BUT...
if I don't clean my room I'm going to explode

Saturuday is going to be spent shopping for accessories for Saturday night,
Sunday's going to be mostly hungover XDDD
I know this for fact certain because Mr. Kim said that Cris has this Monday!
SO in conclusion I will post to bangaday on Monday at the latest!
The ABSOLUTE latest!!!
I know I've said before that I was going to post and shit before but I SWEAR ON ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY!
That I'm posting Monday and if i have time, and you don't beat me to it, I'll post this weekend.
That is Highly tentative though, Monday is certain!


Holy hell that's alot of mindless bullshit for no reason......

On a sidenote...my boss is a 75 year old Korean man named Benjamin Kim.
I love when his family calls the restaurant for him.
I get to pick up the phone and hear 'Yabeseo.' almost everyday!
That is so lame but its about the only thing about my job that makes me happy.
That and when the black kids come in and compliment me on my shoes like,
"Hellz yeah that white girl got swagga."
Somehow I REALLY doubt that's what they thing but!
That's what I tell myself they're thinking and it makes me smile!

Ok so I was going to take a picture of the shoes in question but the whole fucking thing just started a huge fight!
I'm just not even going to get into it!
Needless to say my boyfriend sometimes likes to talk to me like I'm in kindergarten!!!!!

work, rambling, update, bullshitting

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