if you havent seen it already this is me telling you all that i have posted my fourth fic.
2500+ words
r - nudity, drinking, smoking, voyeurism, molestation
i think its pretty fucking awesome even if it does kind of feel like one big run-on sentence in my head. i think thats just because ive re-read it so many times without a fresh pair of eyes to tell me if it sucks or not. ok that's the last dig ill take at celine for now...
hey let me know if you think its worthy to be posted on shineesmut ok? theres no actual fucking in it...but idk...
just go read it ALSO~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEY /throws confetti/
id do something big with gifs and cleverness but i think i waisted all my energy on writing that fic and any residual steam on trying to get the goddamned thing posted.
i fucking hate livejournal rn. the rich text w/e can suck my big veiny cock!
goodnight ^^