(no subject)

May 25, 2006 21:04

So yeah, I got a new computer. Apple MacBook Pro. Intel Dual Core rated at 2.0 gigs. And this thing is faster than most 3.4 gig single-core Intels. One reason is that this doesn't have Windows. Windows is the devil. Mac OS X, aka Tiger, owns Windows. And the next Windows, Vista, is based on Tiger. Thing is, OS X (version 10) is awesome. 9 was incredible. 11 is going to be so far beyond great.

Anywhoo. I've been having to get used to the greatness of having no mouse, no left click, and light-up keys. Okay, no negatives on that. I won't be putting any games on here, unless it's like Monopoly or something. This is my college tool. And it's 80 gigs of space is already down to 34 or something like that. Factory programs and such. This thing has everything I need though. I don't need to install anything at all. And it has a built in camera. Hehe.. homemade porn, here I come.

Oh yeah, I've graduated from South Dade, too. But guess what, I don't have a diploma. The great school that I am an alumni of ordered the wrong diploma. I'm beyond pissed right now. I want to bomb the place. I go there for 4 years, and they still manage to screw up something as simple as a diploma. Blegh... I hate that school.

Okay children, I'm outta here. Peace and love.
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