Dec 23, 2013 17:48
... And sorry for disappearing for so long. It's been kind of a crazy few months, with school and life and everything. For the last couple of months I was doing a internship period as part of my degree which was a lot more physically demanding than I was prepared for - kitchen work is hard! - so for the first month or so, I'd pretty much just crash everyday as soon as I got home and the last thing I had energy for was blogging. And then when I did manage to do something besides work and sleep, my computer broke down, because it's about that time of the year (honestly, idek what it is about me and computers. I can't remember the last time I've gone a whole year with one that didn't need some kind of fixing..) and that pretty much cut me off the internet.
But that's all over now. The internship ended just in time for the holidays, I don't have any pressing school work left for this year, all though I am planning on trying to get a jump on some of the work I have for the beginning of the next semester and also maybe if I feel like it, to start with getting prepared for the entrance exams for the coming spring. But all of that is stuff that I can or can not do as I feel like, and there's not really any hurry with any of it.
It's almost strange really. For so long, I've had constantly something to stress over. If it hasn't been school or work (or not having any), it's been money or more importantly the lack of it and being chronically broke. But now I've been able to finish a big chunk of my school work, and I even have some idea of when I'll be graduating (end of April, begin of May, in case anyone's interested). My financial situation has gotten a little better, thanks in large part because we were finally able to sell our cabin and the money from that has really helped with all the bills which were stacking up at an alarming rate.
I've even made some decisions about my future, mostly which come down to not making any decisions right now. For a long time now, my plan was to change cities as soon as I graduate, because I really don't like where I'm living now and can't wait to get the hell away from there. And while that's still the plan, I realized that I was rushing with it, and that really wasn't doing me any good.
I mean I was worrying about apartment hunting and moving and finding a job before I even had any idea when I could start doing all those things. And then that made me stress about school even worse, because it was making me feel like I was being too slow with school. And I'm not. If I keep up with the planned graduation time, it'll be a month earlier than I need to.
So the current plan is to focus only on finishing my degree, and start figuring out the rest once that's done. I'll probably end up staying where I am for at least a couple of months, but that's perfectly okay. It's actually for the best anyway, because as I mentioned earlier about the entrance exams, I am planning on trying to get to a uni again this spring, so I don't want to be stressing about moving anywhere until after the entrance exams are over.
I do have a lot more still to blog about (funny how stuff piles up, when you don't update for months), but my train ride is almost over (I'm traveling up north to my dad for Christmas), as is my laptop's battery, so the rest will just have to wait until later. For now, really great holidays for everyone!
real life,