About Translations

Dec 11, 2019 12:33

I'm making this post after I realized how unorganized I actually am. And especially after a few unpleasant occurs the past few days. Several blogs were found in which fanfics were translated without the original author's permission. I am one of those authors whose fics were taken without my knowledge. Which is, by the way, ridiculous since I DO give permissions if you were just to ask me. This post is for people who want to translate my fics and post them to their blog, website, whatever.

From now on, it is the 11th of Decembre 2011, I will only accept translation requests if you comment on this entry with the following form:

Your name
Language of your translation
Fic you want to translate

After posting this request as a comment, you are not immediately allowed to translate my story but have to wait for me to reply. Don't worry, I'm on LJ everyday so you should get a reply after less than 24 hours. If I'm not replying immediately, I might be either on vacation, my parents are banning me from internet or LJ bitches around again. In either case, you have to wait for me reply. 
And finally, after you receive my reply, you can translate that fic all you want BUT after you're done, you have to send me a link to your translation as a reply to my reply. I will only accept the translation as one that has my permission if I have a link to it. Otherwise, I will not know if I gave you permission to it or not if I might find it later on. Because people send me links to blogs they found my translation on and I was confused if I gave those people permission or not later on.

Through these events, a big misunderstanding occured and I was bashing on an innocent person for no reason. I am once again very sorry for making this stupid mistake.

Translators, you are lucky that I belong to the writers who allow translations of my fics. But you have to have my permission. If you are posting a request as a comment on the fic you want to translate, I'll link you to this post. I don't give permissions on any other post than this, okay?

If I find a translation that 1. was posted after this post and 2. isn't appearing as a link in the comments of THIS POST, I'll personally hunt you down and will adopt appropiate measures.

So feel free to ask me for permission, I always give them but that's not a reason to take it for granted and think 'She gives them anyway, why bother to ask?', okay? I need to know of all of them.

I didn't think that I once had to make this post but it seems to be unavoidable. Any translation without my permission is labeled as plagiarism and you all know that plagiarism is stealing. Stealing is illegal.

Thank you for reading this and respect this post if you are a sincere translator. I just want to avoid cases like it happened a few days ago. 

!translations, !personal

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