May 04, 2006 01:35
So I found myself around 1 in the morning only a few exits from Lexi's pad. I'm in the right lane of the highway, cruising along, only going a little over the speed limit. I see an SUV ont he side of the road, and as I pass it, in its headlights are two men. On the ground. On is on his knees doubled over, and the other is facing him, on his knees, restraining the guy. I have NO idea what this is all about, but really, being ont he ground less than five feet from traffic is never a good idea. SO I get off at the next exit, drive around for a minute or two until I find a parked cop, and tell him what I saw. The only thing I could think of was that the one guy was having a seizure or something and the other guy was restraining him. So I tell the cop where I saw it and then get back on the highway myself. No lie, in the 5 miles between getting on and back off, I saw three cops racing towards where I had sent the first cop, all ith lights blaring doing about 90. I was just concerned about those guys, I had no idea that the entire state trooper population of Connecticut would be responding to that one. It was weird.