Ah the weekend.
Lots of gaming ahead.
Let's see, Iron Heroes tonight. Got an updated character history, printed some more maps of Ancient Greece, and done some homework to imerself myself in the setting BEFORE changes made by GM.
Unhallowed Metropolis. Character Sheet is somewhere in the greater metropolitan area, but not in my hands. Worked out the kinks in the background. Need to give a copy to GM and
associated characters. So much fun to be had. If only I could get that snivelling little goul out of my head.
CthulhuTech. Finished the adventure arc planning to lead into the multi-thread plot. Got the NPC stats transferred onto the computer for ease of reference. Somethings missing.....
Errrrr, this is not the contact list you are looking for...
I wonder how badly upset the players are going to be...
Ah, screw 'em! >:)
It's not like they'll be able to get anything useful out of their contacts in this adventure anyway.
So, it's looking like a fun filled weekend.
Now if I can just finish those few "minor" outstanding details for the campaign ahead...