Head meet desk--repeat

May 31, 2009 07:07

Erg. Argh. GRRR!

Have I ever mentioned how much I loathe computers?

I do. I reallllly do.

The reason is that often times you have to be a bonafide genius to figure out how to go about upgrading your computer. My computer, currently, is going to hit six years by next year, give or take. It's very old. Amazingly it has not died before now. *knock on wood!* However, it is also rather outdated for quite a few new games coming out. And even my current games. (Thank you, EA Games, for making the Sims 2 requirements go up with every expansion. *growls*)

Most of the computer stuff in my tower is still pretty decent, even now. But a couple of them are having issues. Mainly... the graphics card. It's old. GeForce FX 5200. A lot of games now are way beyond that, hitting about 6800 or more. (I like NVIDIA. Shush.) But chances are my motherboard may also need upgrading and that means finding out if the rest of it will still be compatible come upgrade.

Why o why can't they make the new stuff also retroactively be compatible with the rest? Why even put limits?

I'll never understand the computer industry. *eyes Microsoft for their stupidity regarding Vista*

Note: I did find a community to help me out with figuring out what upgrade I can get that is compatible with my motherboard. (Bah, AGP, bah!) Now all I need to do is figure out which one to get. *sighs*

In other news, I discovered that WebMD has this sparkly symptoms checker program. I decided to try it out. The end results have amused me muchly. Especially when they reason that I might have herniated disks to explain back pain. Incorrect. X-Ray showed I'm hunky-dory. Nice try though.

There's a couple others that also amuse me because they totally misread the symptoms. No, I don't think I have an anxiety disorder, so that's not why I'm suffering said symptoms. No wonder patients are fed up with their doctors if they only take each symptom separately and never think to look at them at another way, if they do at all.
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