Of course, we were late getting home because Ohio just had to have traffic when R was trying to get home. I had a bit of a stress-out because C had said his original plans on leaving had him packing out at six, but he'd stick around another hour for us. Fortunately he said he'd be perfectly willing to wait around for us. Rock on. R was concerned because I'd never met the folks I was getting a ride from, but I found out when I showed up that C was originally going to get a ride from
alendark, so it's all good.
They had my character in the computers still (YAY!) and so I fiddled a bit with it on the advice of a couple few folks. I still have no idea what her actual real name is, but I gave her the temporary name of 'Silence' just so they'd have something to look up in the DB. XD
Game was pretty awesome. I feel occasionally like there's plots I don't want to get close to, because I'm nervous about basically having sixty health swinging fives, when the mobs I'm fighting have gods-know-how-much health and swinging ten plus. I did eventually find a few mobs that didn't hit TOO hard and decided that I'd try sticking to those, with a little hit and run tactics thrown in for them and the bigger guys. It made for A LOT OF RUNNING.
She actually talked a couple times, mostly when folks weren't around. Some kobold started yelling at her that she was a spy, and he'd been asking (rather loudly) earlier why she wouldn't talk, and he got so loud and insistent that when he started walking toward her she actually said 'I'm sorry!' I swear, half the people around missed it. It was great.
Daytime Saturday had me and some folk mobbing for a plot that a few folks were running in exchange for them mobbing for US while we were on an air-shard plot (yay plot). I was actually requested for it, which was truly hilarious when they asked stuff in character and wanted, like, verbal responses.
'Okay, just ask her if she'll champion for you...'
'... Okay, she's asking you.'
Great little scene right there, you could tell the three of us were kinda trying not to laugh.
Saturday night had massive plot that I'm not afraid to admit I avoided, when I saw they were swinging like ... fifteen plus and were taking A LOT OF HITS from the big guns. That and the voice radius calls that had me dropping to negative health just by being near them. No thanks, I'll pass ^.^
The death-mage that's around town really really really reminds her of the necromancer that enslaved her, especially when he started fucking with the girldrake Kizz and fearing her and whatnot. She grew a bit of a pair and the next time he stepped near, she stood in front of Kizz and just put her hand on the hilt of her sword. I don't remember what he said to her, but it really really made her want to start screaming vitriol at him. Later on he started shenanigans with someone else, who grabbed him by the shirt (those two must know each other from the way they were acting it out), dragged him to the edge of the porch railing, disarmed him (and not only made the call but ACTUALLY disarmed him which was very cool), paralyzed him, and started chewing him out. She stood back and watched, and when the other guy ran off she walks up to the death mage and goes '... ha ha.' and walks inside the inn.
Sunday morning found me in massive amounts of 'Oh shit those muscles still exist?' and smallish blood blisters on my feet, so I didn't partake in the giant shitstorm that came last-minute and let the others deal with it while I watched. Yeah, by those calls, I didn't want to get anywhere near that plot.
By the time I got home, ate dinner, and took a shower, I discovered that perhaps part of my growing achypainowfuck was from the fact that my ankles and feet were rather swollen. R thinks it's because I was wearing my sandals for most of the day Saturday (at least until the hard wave) and didn't have the right ankle support. He's right, of course, so it looks like I need to get insoles for my boots until I can either get them fixed up properly or replace them. For doing serious larping it may not be a bad idea to just replace them.
I've had some ibuprofen, and watched the whole of Iron Man with my feet up afore I got back on the computer to write this, but they're still kinda bad off. This doesn't really make me happy, but I suppose that's what I get for torturing myself for forty-eight hours straight by running around fighting undead that weren't harmed by life magic (stupid festival of the dead) and other less savory things.
I did decide I definitely want to get back into doing this regularly again. I have a few things I can bring to donate next time (spell packets, mostly, as those aren't too expensive to make and they get lost A LOT) and C said he'd be willing to leapfrog me to the site and back from Jackson, and have R get me that far. Having seen and heard at least three folk with personal plots, I would love to get myself into some as well even if it's just minor stuff at first.
AND one of the guys there wants to commission a scarf from me for the winter :D He's perfectly willing to pay for it, so I'm going to get details on what all he wants exactly so I can figure out different prices for stuff. A few folk noticed that I made a lot of my gear, so hopefully I can get the word out, so to speak ^.^
I discovered I need and want to bring to the next few games, moneys permitting:
New boots, so that I don't get totally screwed when I'm done.
Five or ten feet of yellow cord, for when I finally learn to make an air circle for waves.
Water or some kinda drinks, because the water there SUCKS and I'd have drunk more if I had some on hand.
A new skirt that I can actually run and fight in.
Bug spray, you idiot. It never hurts to have it.
More blankets because they run year-round and it's going to get mighty cold.
Another pillow so that I don't have to fold mine up.
Ribbons and feathers for my hair. Nobody's teaching her how to be a real person, so she's going to pick up random habits from people.