My first Burns supper and misc life stuff

Jan 31, 2011 00:52

This actually happened on Monday but I've been too distracted and busy to post. Even now, it won't quite be the long and detailed post that I had planned and will be more "Look at what I ate." but without pictures. Actually, I'm too tired and lazy for that now. There was food, music, poetry and whiskey. The only thing I learned.... not a fan of whiskey. Oh, and dancing is fun but I had too much work due the next day to stay late.
Maybe I'll post more details later.

Misc stuff:
My MacBook is still broken but I'm thinking I can replace the logic board.
Because my school work from last term was moved so much, I'm still catching up from last term. so instead of having a calm early term... I had a paper due over a week ago, a final a week ago, and a presentation on Tuesday (not prepared for).
I am feeling a lot better still though. My Ritalin can make me majorly moody but I really try to keep calm (and often fail).

Oh, and if you look on the side of my LJ design, I have my weight update. I'm down 7.6lbs in three weeks (3.45kg).

I honestly thought I had more to say when I started this but it's 1am and I'm suddenly very tired. So I may sleep and hope food a good day in the morning.

Offhand comment: I sometimes miss when the fangirling was fun. I really do. I feel like I can only be cynical about some things and I hate it.

glasgow is home now, normal life

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