Meme thingy, just cause

Feb 03, 2004 08:32

Questions, via thewronghands
1) You find that instead of being an artist, you are now an engineer. What sorts of things would you want to build?

Motorcycles. Cars. Giant transforming mecha. Most especially the last part.

2) You have the power to grant one wish to every person you meet. The catch is, if they know you can do this and they wish for something, you *have* to grant it. Whom do you tell about this?

fendahleen,ravenblack, andthewronghands. This is because the 1st 2 would wish for things, I'm certain would cause no end of amusement, and the latter because she would be the moral compass of the wishing, and most likely counter the more malefic of wishes of the 1st 2. Plus If I started to feel [put upon, I could start Monkey's Paw-ing the hell out of the wishes, or just creatively interpet them.

3) It's a cyberpunk world. What's your ideal life?

I'd say the life of a hired gun. The retirement plan sucks, but it'd be exciting. Plus, I'd used the improved technology to do some sweet digital art, that I'd somehow get into a gallery under the catch of it being the art of a gun for hire. I'd also go by "Josey Wales"

4) What do you think is the right thing to do about music and movie piracy? Do you think there's anything wrong with it?

I think that it depends. If it's major corporation sponsored and backed, well the artist gets fucked, regardless what I do. At that point, buying the movie or music simply lines the pocket of some creativity stifling fucktards. If it's independently produced, yeah, I think you should pay for the endeavor, be cause it supports the artist.

5) You wake up one morning, and find yourself in a black-and-white 1950's movie, complete with diners and sock hops and people that say "golly". Now what?

GO totally Marlon Brando, via the "wild Ones". Or do a James Dean. It's in the 50's the image of the biker started, anyway. I'd be pretty set. Plus, 50's movies have some serious biker hotties. Rawr.

1 - Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 - I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 - You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 - You'll include this explanation.
5 - You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed
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