On Cloverfield

Feb 18, 2008 22:16

I went and saw a movie tonight, it was the premier showing of Cloverfield here in Bangor, and it sold out. Fortunately the coupons I had said that the movie started at 7:00 rather then the 7:45 it actually started so we had our pick of seats. This movie was a bit weird as far as I was concerned, the entire movie seemed like it was filmed with a home video camera so shaky shots, visual whipping, and shots that were not centered on their targets reigned supreme however this added to rather then detracted from the movie. The monster while not that impressive to look at directly, had a very good effect by slinking through the shadows.

The story had some pretty good twists for being so basic, and while I hate jumpy movies and this seemed like it would be one either I was in the euphoria of fear before the movie started or it wasn't jumpy enough to get me, I'm not sure which one it was. To be sure there were some very intense moments, but they were offset by firm and positive action lifting the potentially depressing atmosphere and giving it instead an atmosphere of determination. It helped that the movie's "camera-man" was very good at his comic relief duties, rambling about pretty much anything that popped into his mind regardless of the situation.

So as far as "Blair witch project" style movies are concerned, this was my first as well as my first real monster movie, where the monster is unknown to me before I went to see the movie. (I saw the most recent Godzilla, but it didn't count since I had seen quite a few of the earlier ones growing up) I'm not sure if I'm glad or not that Katie had to work, but I know that it'll be a while before I'll be able to walk confidently in the dark for a while.

Other movies I'm looking forward to: Ironman, Journey to the Center of the Earth, 10000 BC, Jumpers, Prince Caspian, Vantage Point (That's all for now)

Potentially interested: Spiderweb Chronicles, Nym's Island

I'm on facebook now, user name: Aiden Kelson, I'll be posting some pictures on there of some various things including Katie, myself, and my latest snow creations.

56 days, 11 hours, 20 minutes, 09 seconds
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