Aug 11, 2003 00:20
Today involved a repeat showing of the 'Wedding Video' for my Aunt and Uncle who arrived to see my Grandparents (who live close to us, in the next street, but right up the garden). Anyway, they made the long trip down the garden to see that and the photos. I've seen it a couple of times, and while not wanting to spoil things for those that haven't seen it, I didn't want to watch it again today. Don't get me wrong I think it's good and definitely funny in places. I don't want to end up a video bore, and have people dread my visit in case I have brought it along.
Anyway, I think my fear of wedding videos stemmed from a friend of my ex flatmates. She's one of those people who has seemingly done it all, seen it all and absolutely positively has to be the centre of attention. Before this incident, I was neither for or against her, she seemed an okay person, but not anymore after this fateful night.
She came around to the house, fresh from her honeymoon, and all full of the whole wedding thing. After about 30 mins of chatter, and wine bottles being opened, around 7.30pm the now dreaded cry came, "Oh I brought our wedding video, lets put it on!" Okay I thought, fair enough, it could be interesting. Wrong. Suffice to say it was still on at 11.30pm, and we hadn't even gotten to the speeches or evening yet, when I thought sod this, and went to bed (work in the morning). Previously to this, my other flatmate had gone to bed, also bored out of her mind. New bride kept stopping the tape, and rewinding to sections in case we missed anything, with a cry of, "oh look what BLAH said here!, you missed that..."
I thought I was very tolerant, until the next time she appeared around at our house, brandishing the video again. I must not have hid my terror well enough or rolled my eyeballs/made a face without meaning to (no really!). She immediately said, "don't worry, it's the edited version". Somehow, she didn't like me very much after that. I don't know, I think it's pretty much really selfish to manage to bore 4 other people with your video for over 4 hours and ruin a night that should have involved more chatting and socialising, and less, "memememe". I dislike self-centred people.
Fortunately, she came around even less due to the fact that her friend and my other flatmate had a blow-up about her not smoking in our house when she's here. No loss not having her around as far as I was concerned, due to that and the other issues.
My uncle is a weird man. He asks you questions, and when you're talking about what he asked, he starts trying to finish your sentences for you, always wrongly I might add. I don't see them that often, so it's okay, I can handle him in small doses. It was pretty annoying though.