This update was pretty awesome. I had fun exploring the new zones, and joining the
BLU armada that descended upon the Northlands directly following the update to learn the new spells. Triumphant Roar is pretty nice, though Sub-zero Smash seems kinda meh. Not that it really matters either way to me, since I almost never play BLU anymore. My favorite mob of the update so far though?
Snow Wight. XD
I sped through the new missions (both WotG and Moogle Kupo d'Etat) as usual. (Crystalline Prophecy being the exception to that... I still haven't beaten that. -.-) I duoed the BC fight at the end of this batch of missions with Mym (him as SCH, me as WHM, keeping Lilisette alive). The
pimp moogle and
yet another All Your Base reference were of particular amusement to me.
I was really hoping that they'd prove us wrong on our suspicion of Lilith being Lilisette's future self. D: The Galka Spitewarden is made of win, though. AND HOLY SHIT OMGOMGOMG ROBEL-AKBEL = SPITEWARDEN?!?!?! That little revelation fucking BLEW. MY. MIND. I can't even discuss it intelligently because everytime I think about it my thoughts are reduced to incoherent babbling. God, the next Windy quests are gonna be so fucking awesome.
The story of the Moogle missions was cute. I actually liked this add-on a lot better than ACP. People were still whining and bitching about the running around and the minigames and stuff, but I really liked it. I've never minded running around for missions really, and I laughed at the people who had to sit in Quicksand Caves camping coffers because they didn't have a map. I hope SE makes more stuff that requires you to have a map of a zone, to make people collect more. More people should collect them!
I was lucky enough to win the fights on my first try, too. Nanaa Mihgo killed the PLD and one of the SAMs toward the end of the fight, but we won that without much trouble. The final fight was kinda fun, what with the moogles all taking extra damage from everything.
I wish the Darkness damage didn't cut off due to blinking. :/
And I got a sexy new WS hat out of it, too. :3
I tested it out by buying an Engetsuto and getting a merit PT on my SAM on colibris. Said PT started horribly. As Arthur put it: the worst best-equipped PT ever. All the people had awesome gear, but we started out by fighting one mob and then wiping. Then wiping again before weakness even wore off. This was mainly due to a retarded BRD. He either just bought the account, or someone else was playing it or something. He was pulling with Requiem, which was what got us killed the first time. Then, as we were resting (and half the PT afk at the time) the weakness off, he pulls out a sword and attacks a Wivre, which kills him, then proceeds to kill others, since they were resting. I tried to log my hate, but I logged back in dead. <.< But once we replaced the retard, the PT went quite nicely. Penta Thrust spamming went quite well for me, as long as I had Hunter's Roll (BRD+COR PT, so we had March, Minuet, Samurai Roll, and Hunter's Roll). Towards the end, we actually cleared out the entire bottom colibri camp and had to wait about 20 seconds for a repop, because we used 2-hours, then the COR used Wild Card, then Random Deal. XD
I've also been doing a good deal of Campaign, partially because I'm getting so close to finishing my great katana skill merits, partially to see the new Union stuff, and partially cuz I gotta earn the new medals (I've got Moonlight Medal ∮∮ atm).
Bull Necklace has been pretty damn sweet for that. I tried out
Rose Strap as well, but with how fast I already get TP with Soboro, it doesn't really make a difference, so I stick with my Pole Grip. If I used my Hagun in Campaign, I'm sure it'd be a lot more awesome, and if I ever play my WAR in Campaign, it may be nice for that too. I've yet to get any decent loot from Unions (though I've seen decent stuff drop; my lots just suck except on cheap items), but hey, I wasn't getting any loot before this update; I'm not exactly in Campaign for loot, so anything I do get is just a bonus. I've tried one Campaign battle in Xarcabard (S), which was kinda fun. You hafta be damn careful there to avoid aggroing any normal mobs, and there's one of those "UFO dragons", as I tend to call them, flying right around the fort as well. I was duoing a Shadowsoul Devourer (Dahak-like mob) with a MNK/DNC, until it petrified me and killed us both. I still got decent exp, though. I tanked some imps (the healer ones, I mean) while weakened. XD
I've been looking at the augments people have been getting, both from the
Succor to the Sidhe quest, and from the new Elite FoV NMs. I've seen some crazy awesome stuff, like Magic Atk. Bonus+4 on Aquilo's Staff, Accuracy+5 on Forager's Mantle, STR+3 on Hagun, hMP+9 on Noble's Tunic, INT+6 on Igqira Weskit, etc. I've also seen a lot of epic fail stuff, like STR-1 DEX-1 VIT+1 Resist Charm+1 on Hagun (that one's a guy on my server, even XD). I tried augmenting my Blue Cape in Ro'Maeve, but didn't take the NM too seriously, and ended up getting killed at 1%. <.< I reraised and tried to hit it to finish it off, but like a moron, didn't put up Seigan, and I missed it, and died again and had to HP (losing my Blue Cape). <.< I bought another, and tried Cape Teriggan the next day, mainly to get info on the NM to post on the wiki. Turned out to be a Cockatrice who quickly petrified me. He killed me before it wore off. >.> That time I reraised and just let him depop, cuz he was still at pretty high health, and had Auto Regen anyway. So I had to buy ANOTHER Blue Cape. XD This morning I tried doing Blessed Trousers in Ro'Maeve, and this time easily destroyed the NM (a Magic Pot named Jackpot, which makes me chuckle), but only got Ice Resist+3. <.< The NM's name is a lie! :P I sold them to NPC and bought a new pair to try after JP midnight, since they are so cheap anyway.
Goddamn this post is getting ridiculously long. I'm typing this while waiting for a game day change so I can do another FoV here in Ro'Maeve. It'll get me a merit point, which'll bring me to 3, which will go into my 8th Great Katana skill merit! :D Now if I could just get in on a Divine Might run to get a Bushinomimi... I've had this stupid Moonlight Ore and Ark Pentasphere for months.