Jun 29, 2009 18:28
So, I am finally (FINALLY) getting the last of my furniture into my room tomorrow! *this is my excited face*
I am really looking forward to this shit. I am finally gonna have a dresser again! No more living like a plastic hobo! This is excessively good news.
I've also be working on this sort of deep cleansing of my living space. you know, like one of those cleanings you don't really notice right away, but totally took you like 4 days to complete ending in 9 bags of garbage leaving the house? I went through old school notes/and such yesterday and left with a 2+ foot pile of paper getting dumped into the recycling. crazy shit.
there also may be the possibility of a new job in the near future.... I'm not getting my hopes up, but if I get it, it could solve a lot of financial things for me (loans, easier living, and a new computer) i'm keeping my fingers (and toes) crossed.
keeping up on commissions too, which is all well and good. lelouche and schneizel are trying to kill me. i don't know why. they're probably angry because i don't watch their show.... o.0
also, for realz guyz, any suggestions for next year's anime boston? I made a decent take this year and I'd love to do better next year. Aside from commission (I will be suitably stocked with manporn for next year, lol) I'm not really sure what I should start into... the only real sort of judge of what i'm doing comes from Deviant Art, and that can be a tenuous judge at best.
*wanders off to clean*