May 22, 2012 16:12
Yes, I had quite a weekend. Some parts are quite clear, others are fuzzy, or just missing.
Friday evening, I was feeling poorly. My insides hurt. Food refused to stay any length of time. I could not get comfortable in any position. Finally, I asked Al to take me to the hospital. We got to St. Anthony's around 11 pm. Got signed in, put on a most dashing cotton gown, and started the amazing adventure of pain than continues still.
A needle the size of 18 guage wire was inserted in my left arm, with about 2 gallons of blood drawn. I got to wee in a tiny cup, I got to drink a delightful Tang-flavored beverage (quite refreshing, as I was thirsty), and then lay on a skinny bed for an hour as the juice went thru my system. Then a cat-scan, without a feline in sight! Back to skinny bed..... A while later, the awesome news! I have a bad appendix (and some gall stones). I then got my own room, with a slightly larger bed - the fun kind that goes up and down on the ends.
Around 6 am Saturday morning, I got a trip to the OR. I was the only surgery until after 7 am, so I had the joint to myself. I got to meet a lot of people, of whom all I remember is my surgeon, Dr. Seale. Into the OR proper, a mask put over my nose and mouth, told to take deep breaths~
~And I wake in the recovery room. I remember being there for a while, then in my room (I don't remember the return trip). Most of the day is fuzzy, really. I know I liked the pain reliever button I could press every 8 minutes. I think dinner was yogurt and God knows what else. Sleep was my best friend that day.
Sunday was kinda rough. I didn't hurt very badly, but food - yech! Everything tasted too sweet! Even the plain bagel. I ordered a tomato, avocado benedict thing and couldn't even look at it. I had a shower, and that helped me feel a lot better. Then my IV decided to slip or whatever, causing swelling an d pain. I had to wait till a fight nurse arrived to install a new one to get the owie one out. I did finally eat some soup and forced down some yogurt. That made the nurses happy, anyway. Sleep was still the main activity. Oh, I did make one lap around the nurse's station. Nurses smiled. (My upper right arm hurts from the wrong blood pressure band being used.)
Monday, I finally got taste back. Mostly. Had fruit plate, cottage cheese and english muffin. Nurses quite happy. Started getting ready to go home. I had to wait for Al to bring my clothes after he got off work at 1 pm. I got all un-needled and such, then worked on a BLAT sandwich whilst waiting for my ride, and a couple more laps around the nurse's station. The bacon was waaayy salty - no eating that.
Family finally arrived, got clothes changed, papers signed, then wheel-chaired out (Lord, you can't just WALK out of a hospital!). Stopped at Walgreens for drugs, then home. Hello, bed!! Dinner, cooked by loving husband, TV, then bed. (A bit of internet, too.)
Up this morning, a bit of internet, blogging now, recliner soon.
I wonder when I can drive again.....?