Oct 14, 2009 20:36
So I've finally decided to blog on my LJ. I've actually just been reading entries and stuff and I haven't had the time nor the energy to write about things.
On myself:
I find that I've been more reserved as of late. Not reserved in the "i'm sitting quietly in a corner" sense, but more of "I'll talk about anything but myself" kind of reserved. I guess I just don't trust as easily anymore, even if someone is really deserving of my trust. I'm feeling guilty over that last bit, but I promised myself I'd open up to those people who really care about the stuff I have to share. I just want to avoid talking about important things with people who just want to fill in the dead air with words. I can do that now. Fill in dead air with chaff and useless conversation. That doesn't mean I want to do it.
On work:
Work has been a pleasant distraction. My emotions are on autopilot, but my brain's chugging along. I'm not sure yet if this is what I want to be doing for the rest of my life, but hey, it's something meaningful to do in the meantime. I feel that I'll get that saving the world itch and finally give in once the bond of my contract is over, but I might also stay on or move to another company. It's still too early to say. All I can say is, I'm enjoying the work and I think I'm a workaholic.
On life:
I'm trying to insert some order in my life. I work around 12 hours a day and get some exercise after. I get home at around 10 and surf the net until I fall asleep. That's about my daily routine. On Fridays I go out with whoever's available. I spend the weekends getting back sleep, getting a bit of exercise and reading books. I realize I don't care as much about the weight loss right now. I just want to be active and do something besides lie on my bed and play games all weekend.
That's about it. I miss my friends already. Lia says we can get together at my house on October 30. Eleazar food. A bit of alcohol. The usual suspects.
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