Lambchops was once an ordinary little sheep. His owner was an ordinary girl who loved him unconditionally. Or at least this is what Lambchops thought. Then own day, his owner took him from his perch and sat him down on the floor in front of the younger of the families two dogs. Lola, the evil archenemy of all stuffed toys stared at poor Lambchops with a look that could only be described as malicious hunger. Lambchops began to panic, silently urging his owner to pick him back up. But it was not to be. As his owner began to walk away, and Lola began to approach, drool evident at the sides of her menacing mouth., Lambchops gave up all hope. Lola continued to approach Lambchops until the two were nose to nose.
Once Lola had given the poor little sheep a thorough sniffling over as well as a few precautionary licks, she took Lambchops in her jaw and proceeded to parade around the family’s home swinging poor Lambchops back and forth, battering him against walls and doors. This form of torture continues for almost a week, until Cordie the crazy toy surgeon decided to join Lola in her prolonged torture of the sheep.
With no possible entrance wound on Lambchops’ body, the two merciless canines proceeded to create one. This resulted in a vicious two day battle of tug-of-war with each of the demons taking one arm in mouth and pulling as hard as the possibly could. After a gruesome end to the battle, Lambchops was left with only one arm, the other having been torn off, agonisingly at the shoulder joint. In the following days to come, the unfortunate sheep lost his other arm, followed shortly by his right leg.
Bruised and broken Lambchops held onto his remaining limb with all his might and to his relief the canine torture duo appeared to give up on tearing his left leg from him. His relief, however, was short lived. The carzy toy surgeon had turned her attentions to other area’s to stuffed animal torture whilst the archenemy was distracted by other forms of entertainment. What followed for Lambchops was the very slow, systematic removal of his fluffy white insides. Once the Lola-fiend has realised what Cordie’s intentions were, she was eager to participate.
It has been two weeks since Lambchops was ruthlessly abandoned by his once beloved ¬¬owner. He can no longer be called a sheep, for is now but half a sheep. He still hangs onto his one remaining limb, however it has come at the cost of losing half his precious life giving stuffng, both ears and an undetermined portion of his brain.
It is unknown how long this brave desperate toy will remain in this world before pity is taken upon him and he is delivered to bin-like gateway to toy heaven. Only time and the two dog-devils will be able to decide.
Poor Lambchops has but one limb remaining.
The crazy toy surgeon doing what she does best.
They wouldn't even leave his brain alone
The evil archenemy of all stuffed toys - Lola.