Mar 09, 2009 16:24


Lorelai Gilmore is up against Spike from Buffy in the current round of 2009 Fandom Steel Cage Match March Madness. If you're in fandom, I don't have to tell you that Spike is a crazy formidable opponent (he got more than 1,400 votes in the last round). Lorelai's already beaten Tim Riggins from Friday Night Lights and Zack Morris from Saved by the Bell, but she'll need a lot of help to make it through this round. Go vote for Lorelai if you want to see her win!

And why should you want to see her win? I'm glad you asked:


Shadow dancing!


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[+] This amazing Lorelai picspam from thatlldopig

[+] A vote for Lorelai is a vote for all people who love coffee everywhere.

[+] GIRLPOWER. There are only four women left in the competition and after this round there could be just one. We all know fandom loves dudes, but as awesome ladies should we not also give props to other awesome ladies? Plus her show passes the Bechdel Test like nobody's business.

[+] Because she can out-pop-culture-reference anyone on tv except maybe John Crichton.

[+] Because she loved Luke. Because she loved Christopher. Because she loved Rory more than anything. Because she loved Emily and Richard in exactly the same sad, difficult, fucked-up way they loved her, and she never stopped trying.

[+] "Mothers and daughters. They speak so fast, but they speak so true." - Turk, Scrubs

[+] Because who doesn't love an underdog/dark horse/surprise upset in Very Important Fandom Contests?

[+] "Oh! Dinner with Rory! "How delightful! Well, spit-spot. Alert the corgis."

[+] Because right now she's losing, and she had a baby at 16 and ran away and raised her alone and built a career and an inn and a life and sent her kid to college and sang karaoke to Luke and she deserves better than to lose to someone who'd use the word effulgent in a poem, and she'd tell you so, in about 18 paragraphs or so.

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