First, you have to take a glance at this, to understand. What we have here is the realization of a childhood dream based on sci fi flicks from the 80s and love of computers. Basically, they've come up with a fully wearable PC with a hud for personal use. While it's obviously not fashionable or sexy yet, it fulfills most of the function.
The bad thing, and what makes me a horrible nerd, is the following conversation I had with Koebi directly after FINDING said article.
(4:29:09 AM) Kyr: oooo.. I have the perfect followup to the wearable PC's I'm seeing with one of the two projectors from the myvu glasses for a hud. if there was a way to determine how it was projected into coordinates in space, and manage to take something along the lines of two fingers from a powerglove, mount it with the device to both locate those coords and send via a bluetooth connection... *drools* instant finger clicky mouse. ;p
(4:29:21 AM) Kyr: ...jesus, I'm turning into meander >.<
(4:29:34 AM) Koebi: ahahaha
(4:30:43 AM) Kyr: well, no. meander would probably know EXACTLY how to kludge that together. I haven't realized that level of geekdom yet.
Basically, I'm seeing in my minds eye something like a two finger 'glove' apparatus, the other two fingers and thumb uncovered (ie, for right and left clicking, index and middle finger). Attached would be a bluetooth or similar wireless transmitter, that would connect to the PC over the air, and another device that would interface with the hud, providing spatial data on where the 'mouse' pointer is clicking, to tell it which icon to 'open'.
Add in a camera system and some software to do 3d spatial recognition of objects (which I don't think exists yet on a functional level), and we have some seriously 'futuristic' tech. A lot of premises like this were things that in the 80s we used to talk about while watching sci fi, saying, 'Man, someday this will exist, and it'll be AWESOME!'. It's.. I dunno. kind of a mixture of scary and wondrous to see the future from my mind's eye back then actually coming to pass.
Most people I know, barring a few extremely geeky ones like Koebi and Meander, will just look at something like this like 'Well, okay. big whoop.' I look at this and say 'Dammit, stop, look back over the years, and SEE what we've created effectively out of NOTHING!' It may not seem that important, but these sorts of things are breakthroughs. They're our first attempts at merging the real world and the virtual into one place. Some people are extremely scared about this. Personally, I like to think of it much in the same terms as space exploration or underwater discovery. It's an entire new world out there, created within the human mind. The difference is, what we find in space merely is. What we find in the ocean, is already there.
What we find out here, is whatever we want to create. Marvelous.