I woke up sad today.

Sep 18, 2012 10:40

I don't know why. There i a car in my neighborhood whose alarm goes off hourly and it's alternating tones of annoyance were punctuated by the rhythmic picking of asphalt that slid into my mind like wet glass and concrete.

Today's webcomics brought me no humor, I have two pimples on my temple that are causing my no end of annoyance. I want to cook curry but the dishes are all dirty, I need to do laundry. But I don't want to. I want to go back to bed and sleep forever. There is not longer any connection between me and my former life. I have said goodbye to that place and those people. I wonder why I still come here, from time to time. It feels nice talking to the void knowing that my thoughts and feelings are being sent out into the nothingness of cyberspace. I dunno, I have things that I need to do.

Fuck life.
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