See Right Through Me

Aug 21, 2013 22:20

Title: See Right Through Me
Prompt: 22. Want (hp_girls_100)
Character/Pairing: Bellatrix/Voldemort (one-sided), Bellatrix/Rodolphus
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 273
Summary: The reason Bellatrix decided to join the Death Eaters.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to J.K. Rowling; I've just borrowed them for a while.
Note: Also for one of the prompts at the Harry Potter ficathon at bloodstream7 s journal: Bellatrix/Voldemort - get lost in the intensity and get off on rejection.

When Bellatrix sees him for the first time, she knows that she will never need anyone else.

He commands the room in a way she's never seen; in a way her father - or even her mother - never could.

When the others flinch at the way he speaks to that snake, at the way she curls around his feet, Bella leans forwards, enraptured.

After, she seeks him out. She feels fear, of course, but it's nothing compared to the thumping of her blood through her veins. She feels all of twelve when she stands before him.

"I want to join you," she says. Not that there was any question of what she would do, not as the Lestrange she is now.

His eyes flick over her, but he doesn't really see her. It's a strange feeling, a heady mix of disappointment and the need to please, the need to be seen.

He turns and walks away without a word.

Rodolphus holds her close, later. He's breathing hard still and Bella finds herself a little bit pleased by that - though she wasn't thinking about her new husband at the time.

Still, he slides a hand down her side and his fingers curl into her hip and she turns, pushing sweat-slick hair from her face. "You're going to have fun with us, Bella," he whispers against her lips. "So much fun, a girl like you."

Bella grins and bites Rodolphus' lip, pushing him onto his back. He seems surprised by her ferocity, but goes with it. All Bella can think of is pale skin and black hair and dark, dark eyes that saw straight through her.

fanfic, fanfic challenge, harry potter, hp_girls_100, writing

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