FICATHON → into the pensieve

Jul 16, 2013 21:49

I N T O  T H E  P E N S I E V E
A Harry Potter Ficathon


1. All pairings, characters, genres, AUs, gen/het/slash/fem will be accepted.
                                                               2. Post one prompt per comment; you can post as many prompts as you want.
                                                               3. Prompts should follow this format:

characters/pairing, prompt

4. Fills should be posted as a comment response to the prompt, not in new threads.
                                                                   If your fic is longer, please post it on AO3, or your own livejournal and
                                                                   just post a link for it here. The fills should look like this:

title, character/pairing, rating and trigger warnings (if there are any)

5. More than one author can fill the same prompt.
                                                               6. Leave a review if you've enjoyed what you've read (of course that's not necessary
                                                                   but I'm sure everyone would love to get feedback). Have fun!


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