It's summer.
We're experiencing some sort of nominal drought around here, which for me means that the waterfalls are on low-flow and not as photogenic as they are after a nice rain. I have become spoiled by the digital camera's willingness to let me immediately see what pictures I've taken; on the other hand, the macro lens is seeing solid use as I latch onto interesting patterns and textures in things like tree bark and old farm equipment. I'm also driving people crazy with the not-so-occasional "stop the car for a moment, I see a picture!" (Waiting to be taken is what I mean; I probably sound a bit insane.) On the other hand, sometimes they actually stop, which is quite nice.
Mornings continue to be sheer concentrated evil, 24" screens and the Adobe Creative Suite continue to tempt me towards the Dark Side, and I'm creating a sculpture using math. I really don't know how to explain that last one.
Preliminary painting sketches are of angels and Transformers, and one of these days I might actually get my ass in gear and paint something. As is well known, I suffer from a deficit of motivation, and you'd be surprised how much having a studio to go into helps the amount of work I get done (where by "helps" I mean "is responsible for pretty much everything"). I keep promising painted Transformers, in which the color and shading should be actually good; I should actually paint some.
Cast in Silence, the next installment in the Chronicles of Elantra series, my favorite fictional indulgence aside from Transformers, is due out sometime in August. I have the first four books practically memorized, and am quite bouncy and impatient waiting for the fifth. I quite like the Dragons, and am of course solidly in love with that sort of dry-humored, witty prose that the books are filled with. And then there's
seanan_mcguire's Rosemary and Rue, in September, and this is probably why I never have any money. Right now I am in the middle of Naamah's Kiss by Jacqueline Carrey, which is . . . several generations after the previous books, and the effects thereof are mildly unsettling. But I'm still in the early chapters.
Summer, incidentally, means road construction. On my commute to school I have four detours along the route. If I were the type to be annoyed by them, they would be very annoying.