(no subject)

Aug 28, 2008 22:48

Hooooly fuck, what a day.

I knew when I registered for classes that Thursday was going to be a heavy load, and the first one not only piled it on but dropped it on.

It's almost eleven, and I have just gotten home and fixed and eaten the first food I've had all day. Since seven thirty when I got up, I have not had five minutes to rub together; I shot out of the house without grabbing a peach like I intended, rushed to get to my first class, spent the entire break between the first two classes dealing with locker-obtainment bureaucracy and then hauling all my art supplies from the parking lot---which is a long damn walk, plus it was hot out, plus I had heavy shit to carry, plus I hadn't eaten. I just barely avoided being late to my second class, and with fifteen minutes until my next one had to rush over to the computer lab to check my email to attempt to contact Vice; no luck really there, and then a three-hour-long class.

After that got out, I found Vice in her dorm room and took her to the grocery store and bought her stuff she needed by way of apology for forgetting to bring a couple things for her from home. Was looking forward to stopping of at some fast-food place immediately afterwards and finally get something to eat---and my credit card didn't go through; unsurprising since I spent yesterday chasing art supplies all over the metro area, using it more in one day than I generally do in a month, and now I was using it in Mankato; their fraud team got suspicious and when I got home Dad said they called and asked about it; I'm supposed to call back and clarify that everything's authorized; I'll do it tomorrow; right now I'm exhausted. Meanwhile, that meant I had to pay cash for the groceries, which left me with nothing to buy myself dinner with. So I just sulked a bit and went to my Thursday evening class, which is Beginning Sign Language, and engaging enough that my stomach didn't complain at me too much.

Once out of that, I detoured across the quad to enjoy the datura flowers, which are sort of like huge white morning glories (the bigger ones get to be a handspan across) that bloom at night, and they are one of my favorite smells. There was a sphinx moth there! A huge one, so big I mistook it for a hummingbird at first, fluttering---no, buzzing all around drinking from some kind of smaller flower, and I just stood there and watched it for several minutes, until I realized that it was cold and I was shivering.

Got home, immediately sought out some food, and now am reading my friends page and relaxing. Going to bed soon, and hoping that today doesn't get repeated. With the exceptions of the datura and the sphinx moth, because those were awesome.
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