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Aug 27, 2008 19:17

Alllll over the place today.

Declined a state fair trip because I had stuff to get; art professor presents list Tuesday afternoon and desires it all obtained by Thursday, which means Wednesday Kyra goes off into the cities, surprised as fuck to have a car on hand to do it with, to buy art things.

Cleaned out art bag first---amazing how an almost obsessive-compulsive need to keep the paint tubes pristine can somehow anyways result in a complete mess after being left alone for an extended period of time. Apparently the lid was loose on something; Brother borrowed both turpentine and linseed oil earlier this summer, so the turpentine is almost empty and the linseed oil has flat-out disappeared. Catalogued what colors I had and played "I wonder what shade of blue this is" where a couple of the labels had spontaneously detached themselves and gone away. Boggled vaguely at the comparison of what I thought I had to what I did have, printed out maps from the internet, and off I went.

Got there after spending too much on gas, losing a battle of wits with Interstate 394, and missing my exit. Reflected that at one point in time, I would've been paralyzed and in tears over that, scared out of my wits. Now am not. There appears to be hope for me, above and beyond my talents for writing amorous alien robots.

Continued bouncing all over the place, balancing what I needed with where I should go and in what order with their locations and the ways to get there with my credit balance, which has my brain sort of wired but also alive in a different-than-usual fashion. I splurged a tiny bit on slightly more art supplies than I need, but otherwise shopped sanely and avoided temptations like Barnes and Noble, the mall, and the freezer-dinner section at the grocery store.

I have thin rice noodles, now, and am going to try to make chicken lo mein this weekend.

All in all, not a bad way to spend a day. Lotsa driving. *purr*
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