Dec 09, 2004 12:50
I couldn't post last night becuase I was kicked off the internet just as I was finishing it up.. So I will put up the post when I get home. Alrighty well for today, I did another stupid review in third period. Worked on a shelf in Carpentry, and turned in the project in first period.. I really dislike that stupid project....
Well I think for those of you that don't know like (Steph) I dislike Steph not becuase of Bucky disliking her, but just at the thought of how slutty she is... But I guess some people already know that. Like Bucky would know that.
Getting pizza tomorrow in this class for some reason.... They are discussing it right now. But I dont get it... There is no reason to have pizza, it would be nice none the less :)
Well till I post tonight.
->Defiant Angel<-
I love Kendra