Doing nothing in third period again..

Dec 08, 2004 12:29

Well we did a review that was pretty much pointless I knew everything he asked... Well I have nothing to do now so I am going to put another entry in.. This keyboard sucks it keeps sticking.. =/ Well the English project is going along nicely now I did a big portion of it in first period (English). I just need to finish it up tonight. Shouldn't take to long hopefully.... BIG HOPEFULLY!! Things are better between me and Kendra. :) Yaya!

Last night in **THE WORLD OF STARCRAFT**

I learned a new tactic as I posted in my last entry. Well it is a new sort of tank push... Except.. It is drop/tank/turret/vult push.. Well vult/speed/mine like usual.. Tank/siege.. and two drops.. Ok well what you do is you find every cliff that can be used for advantage and get turrets on them. With the drops.. Then slowly advance with Turrets/mine and then bring in the tank.. If they are P or Z then drop some tanks on the cliffs for support... Then take the drops and put 4 vulture in it... They dont need mines. Then move in all your tanks and start attacking you need to micro a bit and siege a few of them.. Fly the drop by and go for their eco.. At the same time advance with tanks. It works quite well :).

Last night after I posted I played some 2 vs 2 with Nazgul[rflx] well he sucks.. So we kept losing but I went all out when I was playing.. maxed at 658 w00t w00t.. Very awesome.. But I averaged about 137 first game was Terran/Protoss vs Terran/Terran I was the Terran with the Protoss that was a good game it was sort of like helms deep.. I probably kill 150 tank/goliaths that were advancing on me with like 7 tanks.. I took ramp and wiped them out.. Nazgul died in like 10 minutes it was horrible he didn't take ramp or anything.. He just sort of let them come and seige on him.. He sucks so bad.. But then battle cruisers came in.. Couldn't do much against them so I GG'ed~ and left. The second one was Terran/Zerg vs Zerg/Protoss.. That game went by fast but I micro'd up 658 moves.. Very nice for me... I was the Zerg with the Protoss..

Rob (Rpf289) was trying to hit on mAsU~Hayley but I don't get why becuase I believe he already has a girlfriend... It was very confusing he was trying to sway her into talking to him with chocolate.. But then again she also lives far away from him...

Well thats it for this period post I should post sometime before I go to bed.. Til' then..

GG, GL, HF~~
->Defiant Angel<-
I love Kendra

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