Title: Palm Reading
Pairing: KyouKao (OMFG! NOWAY!!!)
Rating: PG-13 for mentiosn of sex
Summary: In which kaoru discovers and demonstrates his favorite sort of intimacy--the palm.
Warnings: Yaoi--Psh, if you are here, I'm guessing you don't have a problem with it!
Disclaimer: I don't own Ouran (I do own half the manga, and the English anime! *shot*) but this is my kiss and my plottage!
Author's Notes: Originally I wrote this to explain to
suddenkiss (who roleplays the Kyouya to my Kaoru) this type of kiss, which I had just discovered the day before. But, of course, I just can;t let things lie, so it ended up being a fiction (that lead to a very sexual and entierly unfinished roleplay afterward). But, hell, I still enjoy this, And yes, there is such thing as a sex line.
They were connected at three points. His head in his lap, the hands with fingers-so carefully cut and filed-intertwined, and gazes, burning holes into each others retinas. Kaoru’s other hand played his fingers across the pale skin of Kyouya’s hand, tracing veins and bones blindly, allowing the semi-calloused tips of his fingers to map out territory he though he’d known well.
Then, then fingers stayed, and the red head hooked permission out of the Ootori’s expression before breaking their eye contact and disengaging their fingers to man-handle the other’s hand, flipping it over so that the back of his hand was barely brushing the fabric of his sweater, and the palm was upward. He traced fingers back along the smooth skin, attempting to commit every line to memory.
“You’re life line’s long...” he noted, having no real idea what he was talking about, and basically reiterating what he’d seen on TV. last night. He then gave a little chuckle. “Your sex line’s longer.”
Kyouya’s fingers clenched closer around Kaoru’s and the red head whined. “That was rather unorthodox, don’t you think?”
“I was just sayin’...” he pouted, looking back up at Kyouya and smiling like a child who’d just fed peas to the dog under the table. “C’mon...Lighten up.”
Kaoru chuckled again, this time pulling his fingers from the grasp and skimming them around his hand so that he could stretch the fingers back, looking at the palm again. It then seemed that the Hitachiin gained a new idea and, ever so slowly, pulled the hand towards his face until his breath ghosted over cold skin.
Lightly, he placed a kiss on the opening plane of wrist and hand, where blue veins were most evident and where the skin was the smoothest. Kyouya’s wrists were thin, and seemed delicate for someone who was agile enough to manipulate his hands as easily as people’s futures. He liked Kyouya’s wrists, and allowed his lips to form an ‘o’ shape, pressing to the smooth surface.
There was no sexuality in this kiss, no sucking, and no saliva except the necessary amount to keep him from having dry lips. Hands did not travel anywhere obscene, and their eyes didn’t even connect. Kaoru’s were too busy watching the twitch of fingers at the top of his of his vision, and the moment seemed to last forever, during which time, barely a few seconds had ticked by.
And then they detached. Kaoru pushed the hand away from his mouth and rethreaded their fingers before laying his head back in the brunette’s lap. He smiled. “Yeah...Your love line’s pretty long too, from the taste of it...” he quipped. The Hitachiin leered sweetly at his upperclassman before bringing his own hand up to practically shove (sweetly, of course) into Kyouya’s face. “My sex line’s longer, though....”