Title: 26th and 27th Author: Liesel Rating|Genre: General Pairing: nil Summary: Sometimes, the best insights are from your predecessor Word count: 651 Spoilers|Warnings: No.
I think it is dormant due to the lack of official news, like new merchandises, regular chapter updates, etc. It was pretty lively a few years ago!
Currently any updates we have is from scanlation of the manga volumes but even then there's some unscanlated chapters and the manga isn't usually released so fast so discussion is rather limited. Nevertheless, perhaps once I'm free up, I can start scanlating every month from the monthly magazine and translate the novels, keeping them filed neatly in a website. Hopefully then, the interest shall revive.
we have like 6 manga chapters already scanned and translated, we're lacking reliable cleaners and typesetters. I've actually more than that already scanned. Our cleaner is entering finals at the moment (I work with her on a much heavier project), so hopefully she can give us more time soon.
and if anyone wants, the KKM RP omg_kkm is still active and always looking for players :)
Comments 5
I liked this. It's nice to see the serious side of Cecilie. :)
I think it is dormant due to the lack of official news, like new merchandises, regular chapter updates, etc. It was pretty lively a few years ago!
Currently any updates we have is from scanlation of the manga volumes but even then there's some unscanlated chapters and the manga isn't usually released so fast so discussion is rather limited. Nevertheless, perhaps once I'm free up, I can start scanlating every month from the monthly magazine and translate the novels, keeping them filed neatly in a website. Hopefully then, the interest shall revive.
and if anyone wants, the KKM RP omg_kkm is still active and always looking for players :)
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