Title: Next Time, With Lasers
chaineddoveFandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Rating: G
Genre: Humor
Characters: Anissina, Densham, and a very exasperated tutor named Hilde-chan.
Wordcount: 1,300
Disclaimer: I do not own anything except Anissina's very useful invention. Also, her great-aunt is named after my niece, and her tutor is named after a medieval composer, but I doubt anyone notices or cares.
Author's Notes: Densham turns sixteen, Anissina makes a surprisingly tame gesture (especially compared to last year), nothing explodes, Anissina develops a fondness for lasers, and Densham acquires the first of many pet chickens. No purple velvet doublets were harmed in the making of this fic.
In honor of the lovely
doumeki's birthday, because she asked for von Kapernikov sibling gen ♥
"This is a very important event," the horse-faced tutor droned. Anissina yawned widely and didn’t bother covering her mouth...)