fanart, uhm... I guess PG-13 and under?

Mar 06, 2008 11:34

<.< Gosh, I'm starting to feel like I'm spamming these comms with all my pictures >.>

But I drew;
Chibi Conrad and Yozak, and Chibi Yuuri and Wolfram, and Wolfram

(These are probably only amusing if you know FMA though)
<.< Heheh... I've been having fun with crossover type pictures.
They all have FMA(fullmetal alchemist) aspects to them(due to the people they voice in fma).
Alford and Wolfram, Alford, and Raven (FMA manga spoilers)

O.o The pictures are big, 'cause I'm too lazy to resize stuff.

Chibi Yozak and Conrad.

Chibi Yuuri and Wolfram

Wolfram (His hand looks very awkward)

In FMA, Alford's seiyu does Barry The Chopper. Raven's seiyu does Jean Havoc. And Wolfram's seiyu does Maria Ross.

So Wolf and Alford, dressed and acting as their FMA characters. (Just all of Al looks awkward...)

Alford and Barry too. (>.> probably should've cropped this)

And Raven(FMA manga spoilers)

So yeah... hope something there amused you guys! ^^

stoffel, alford, fanart: 2008, wolfram, artist - teef_chan, yozak x conrad, crossover, raven, yuuri

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