What does your OTP say about you?

Jan 04, 2010 18:16

I copy this from http://darklites.livejournal.com/9089.html XD

BTW: I am a Snarry shipper.

What does your OTP say about you?
Not long ago I wrote a post about our OTPs speaking for our views in love in general. So I decided to write a little post about what I think each OTP says about their shippers. Bear in mind, though, that just because you don't ship something, it probably (in my opinion) doesn't mean you disagree with the SHIPview on love. I have just written the following as what I think shippers find alluring in their SHIP (they are not my own opinions on the SHIPs, though it's probably rather biased, haha. I tried not to be, but we'll see). I must admit that a couple were a little difficult to write, as they are ships I abhor (*cough*D/HrD/GH/GD/R*cough*), and am unsure if I got it quite right.

So, anyway:

Harry/Hermione: You believe in enduring love, the kind that warrants love stories. You want your lover to be everything to you: your best friend, your comrade, the person you confide in, and the sexy thang you can't keep your hands off. You want to share life with the one you love, and closeness and security in your relationships.

Ron/Hermione: You want to settle down happily with the person you love. You like the idea of being close to your lover, yet still having your own space. You don't mind - in fact, you even kind of like - sparring with your significant other once in awhile. You have relatively traditional family values and would like to have a big family.

Harry/Draco: You are extremely idealistic, and long for the kind of love that surpasses all boundaries. You want passion, sparks, beauty, sex and the deepest love that can exist. You want to overcome everything for love. However, you can also be somewhat cynical, particularly outwardly. Happiness is not enough for you; you want to experience it all - and sometimes, the darker (and conventionally "bad") emotions allure you all the more.

Draco/Hermione: You know yourself to be a person of strength, will and determination. You don't mind fighting for justice and love. You like the idea of "love at second sight" and don't mind uncertainty in your relationships - in fact, you think that it could make it even more beautiful. You enjoy falling in love: fleeting glances and unspoken words.

Draco/Ginny: You want explosive love. You like it if the person you love has things reserved only for you, and enjoy intimacy in private. You don't want things easy: you enjoy sparkage. But underneath it all, you want to know that the two of you love each other very much.

Harry/Ginny: You like the sweeping fairytale romance, where the Prince rescues the Princess and saves the day to boot. You are somewhat idealistic, and yearn for your own happy ending. You like devotion in romance - both giving it and receiving it from your partner. You want happily ever after.

Harry/Ron: Trust is one of the most important things to you. You like slow realisation of love, and want the person you love to also be your best friend and closest confidante. Someone with whom you can share interests and always have fun with.

Draco/Ron: You root for the underdog. You want fire in your relationships, and times when loves sprouts out so suddenly it's there before you even realise it. You find issues of anger, pride and possession intriguing.

Harry/Snape: You don't want perfect love - you want imperfect love. You want your partner to look at your flaws and love you even more for them - to embrace them. You like slow-burn romance and things turning out well right when you'd given up on them. You want to have mutual respect with your lover.

Sirius/Remus: You like longtime comradeship. You think forgiveness is a beautiful thing, and that trust is absolutely precious. You think second chances are the most wonderful of things, and being repaid for your strength and endurance.

Sirius/Snape: Phew, it's all about the sparkage with you, isn't it? You don't care if you hate your lover as much as you love him, and you don't care that when you don't want to shag them you sometimes want to punch them in the face. Oh yes, fire fire fire.

Lucius/Snape: Dark dark dark. Potent and intense. Love surrounded with pain and betrayal intrigues you. You don't think you'd want it in real life, but perhaps... Well, it would be better than a sickly sweet happy ending, anyway.

Harry/Dead!James: You are just disturbing.

Haha. That was fun.

End spam.


Edited *much* later to include more! (Written by request, originally in comments.)

Snape/Draco: You value intelligence in your partner. You think that mutual respect is extremely important and are very, very protective of the ones that you love.

Lucius/Draco: You think love is a beautiful, delicate thing, and that fragility and pain are are inevitable notions in it. Love isn't a fluffy happy happy-ever-after world for you; it's a feeling of need.

Harry/Lucius: The forbidden fruit is certainly the most alluring, and you'd never settle for anything less. You want a hot, spark-filled romance that seems so wrong but feels damn right. You like secret meetings, thrilling situations, and the black night sky.

Remus/Snape: You like unexpected love -- unexpected to you and everyone around you. You feel intensely but are disinclined to show it. You think that your partner should balance you out; complement you. You value intellectual connection and are willing to stand up and fight for what you want.

Draco/Remus: You value maturity and intelligence. You believe that good things come to those who deserve them. Love, to you, is not just about sunshine and happiness but also about learning -- sometimes difficult -- lessons in humanity, truth, and life. You believe that the best romances are the ones that surprise you by giving more than you'd ever imagined.

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