(no subject)

Jul 20, 2009 09:50

Okay, now that I've slept and got the rest of the pictures uploaded, it's time for Part Two of my Otakon Report!!

Saturday was essentially the main event. It's the day everything happened. When we arrived at the con, the first thing we did was meet up with our friend Triad, who was attending the con for the day. After derping around a bit, we headed to Crispin Freeman's Q&A. Crispy, by the way, is pretty much the coolest person ever. He remembers everything he's done, including the lines. He cracked a lot of jokes during the questions, and even trolled a few people.

After that, Griff, Triad, and I went to the Secret Life of Megaman Panel, which is not quite what it sounds like. It was hosted by Ryoko of Rockman-Exe fame, and some others, and mostly consisting of showcasing videos of the Megaman series, many of which were fan videos that were quite infamous, such as GUTSMAN'S ASS. *sound effect*

Next, I do believe it was time for the Luceti meet up. Pictures were already posted here, so there's no point for me to post them here, especially since her's are better anyway.

I chilled on the floor for a while after everyone dispersed, since there was still time until the second Tales photoshoot. I got some really... interesting pictures. And a video!

The video

Yes, that Naoto and Sasuke are dancing.

And they were joined by Kefka. THAT was funny.

Finally, 4 PM hit, so it was time for me, all by my lonesome, to head towards the fountains in Hall A for the Saturday Tales Photoshoot. People seemed to appear whenever the hell they felt like it, and griffins, vilyasage, and funk_mastah_ion were extremely late.

After the photoshoot, we headed to the Dealers' Room again, since we had time until the Tales Panel. I bought myself a Kyle figure, bringing my Destiny figure count to four. Just you wait, Lilith, Judas, and Reala. I shall have you yet! Unfortunately, there will be no more pictures from me for Saturday, as my camera's battery died. If Vil uploads the pictures I took with her camera, though, I'll be sure to fill it in here.

Anyway, we headed to the Panel, which was kind of cool. Sadly, at a place like that, you attract a lot of the scum the fandom has. You know, the ones who hate on Colette, think Symphonia is the Messiah and should have a bajillion sequels, question who it was that came back in the end of Abyss, etc etc. After the panel, there was a final photoshoot, where I did get some epic pictures on Vil's camera, including a picture of Hisui punching Shing. Thanks for doing that one, vesperia~

Following that, we returned to the hotel. While the girls changed, Triad and I chilled in the lobby with my laptop, derping around on the internet. The girls came down, and they dragged Griff off to have a drink. They eventually returned, and Triad had to depart from us. It was after this that Meowzy, Griff, Vil, and Luna joined me in the lobby. We had a party there, and derped around more on the internet. It was at this time that, as some of you may remember if you were in the chat at the time, that I was speaking as five different people. We eventually cleaned up and headed to bed.

For more pictures of Day 2, click for them.

Finally, it was Sunday, the day it was all over. Sunday was fail. One by one, we departed, but not before derping around some more. We headed to the Dealers' Room, hoping for some last minute deals. There weren't any. Vil and Griff bought some things, and I took a few pics.

That outfit there, by the way, is an XXX-Large in Japan. Kind of disturbing, huh? We didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Eventually, we had to go back to the hotel room, to meet people and depart. One by one, they left, until it was just me. Stealthy was the one who was going to take me to the airport, so I just chilled with her. We headed to the Gallery, which IS in fact connected to our hotel, and not some other place, despite what Alex's group may think. We chilled with them for a bit, and then hit the road. This is where things got special. First of all, Stealthy's GPS didn't want to work right. Secondly, we encountered some of the worst drivers ever. But we eventually made it to the airport in one piece--physically, anyway. I think we left our brains on Pratt St. I said goodbye to Stealthy, and then proceeded to wait there for four hours until I could catch my plane home.

At midnight, I finally made it home, exhausted, and kind of disappointed that it was over so soon.


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