(no subject)

Jul 20, 2009 01:27


This was a hectic time, to be sure. I had made plenty of promises. I said I would do live con updates day by day. I even said I would do voice posts. THE WORLD DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY, GUYS.

So, anyway, time for fun con update times! PREPARE FOR PIC SPAMMAGE!

Thursday was kind of strange, and marked the start of the Reign of Murphy's Law: What can go wrong, will go wrong, and boy did a lot go wrong for everyone during the duration of the con. I hit the road at 7:30, and began my trek to the airport. Halfway there, it dawned on me that I had forgotten the charger for my cell phone. KYO FAIL: 1. Eventually, however, I made it to the airport, checked out my baggage, etc. Went to chill with vilyasage at the gate, since she was already there. She had apparently been listening to a guy ramble about fossils.

We eventually got on the plane and rode in the same row. It was my first time riding a plane, and I could not work the seatbelt. KYO FAIL: 2. Plane ride went pretty smoothly, though, and we eventually landed earlier than planned. I went to claim my bag, which had an umbrella in it. The umbrella got wrecked. KYO FAIL: 3. We took a shuttle van to the Renaissance Harborplace Hotel, where Vil had booked the rooms. While in the shuttle van, I could not, once again, work the seat belt. Clearly, they are my mortal enemy. KYO FAIL: 4.

On a good note, we received a special treat when we arrived at the hotel. By a strange twist of luck/fate, our rooms were actually cleaned and ready for us to check into, even though they should have been ready much later. It was 12:30, so Vil and I went to the room and chilled. After some derping around and an epic grudge match between me and the TV, I managed to get my PS2 working with the TV, and we played Abyss until griffins arrived several hours later.

Eventually, we headed to the con center to pick up our badges. Unfortunately, the line was long, and brutally slow. To add insult to injury, it was also very bright and very hot outside. We did, however, end up meeting with Griff and Vil's friend Trevor, who turned out to be our resident stalker for the con. Seriously, this guy unintentionally found us so many times during the con it's kind of creepy. We eventually also made contact with meowzy_chan and luna_hoshino, who were very slow, and Kyio, who has no sense of direction. Went inside, got our badges, went back to the room, yadda yadda. We then fired up my PS2 and played some Tales of Destiny, because Griff demanded it. THEN WE HAD TO GO TO A DINNER. It was demonicfangs's birthday or something, so we went to this Japanese sushi restaurant for food. Food was good. Food was also expensive. Ow, my wallet... Afterwards, we went to a CVS to pick up soda and chips and went back to the hotel room. SLEEP.

Friday was the beginning of the con. I woke up at six, everyone else woke up at 8, and Luna woke up at 11 or some crazy shit. Not a whole lot went on, really. Just me taking a LOT of pictures. As we stood in line, the very long line, I ninja'd random pictures! Because, really, what else is there to do while in line? Let's look at some of them!

Eventually got inside. Yaaaay. Inside, unlike outside, was very cool, and not hot at all. MORE PICTURES.

We encountered a wild Kyio and her friend Rainie, too. She stalked us. Stalker.

We then wandered around the con for quite a few hours. Meowzy was stopped quite frequently, as she was cosplaying Vyse from Skies of Arcadia. Everyone was all "OMG VYSE. PICS NAO." Speaking of pictures... MORE PICS!

....Yeah, I don't even know, dude.


I also found Waldo!

Eventually, Griff, Meowzy, and I attended the Shin Megami Tensei panel, and Luna joined us after finally getting out of bed.

After the panel, we went to the Dealers' Room and bummed around. After getting lost and separated many times, we eventually regrouped, and I bought myself several Tales of Destiny One Coin Figures! *pets them*

After deciding we were thoroughly pooped, we decided to go back to the hotel room. But not before snapping some final pics for the day.


And a group shot of Vil as Nice from Baccano!, Griff as Yuzu from Devil Survivor, and Meowzy as Vyse.

For more of Friday's pictures, click here for them.

Of course, the fun doesn't end there! After heading back to the room, we had to head back to the con for the Tales shoot. So Vil and Griff had to change costumes. At the con, we... Well, I took a hell of a lot of pictures (over 80!), so I'll post the best.

I also found Waldo again.

You know, for an elusive guy, he was around a lot.

For more pics of Friday's Tales Shoot, click here for them.

After the shoot, people got hungry, except for me. So they went out AND FORGOT ME IN THE LOBBY YOU BASTARDS, so I chilled there with my computer, until I eventually went to the room and played Destiny. They returned, with Deanna in tow, and watched me play Destiny, proving my worth as a masochistic gamer by playing on Chaos.

Eventually, midnight struck. It seems that, at Midnight, someone thought it would be funny to organize a Shin Megami Tensei photoshoot. Except it was more of a Persona shoot.

For more pics of Friday's SMT shoot, click here for them.

After that, we returned to the hotel room, and we slept. And night passed, and morning came.



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