(no subject)

Jul 28, 2005 15:57

i'm too tired to write a real entry. instead i will just write a list of things i hate and call it my "hurting america" list. i am intentionally leaving out many of the big obvious ones like george bush and paris hilton's sex life.

- aaron spelling
- michael bay
- jerry bruckheimer
- halle berry
- nicholas kristof
- tom friedman
- hillary clinton
- michelle malkin
- fox news
- chris matthews
- wal-mart
- strip malls
- asian mega buffets located in strip malls
- humvees
- "the real world" and all other similiar "reality" television series
- extreme makeover
- high fructose corn syrup
- archer daniels midland
- the new republic
- the democratic leadership council (DLC)
- texas, especially houston
- the family research council
- the alliance defense fund
- yellow ribbons on suv trunk doors
- right wing cubans in florida
- viet dinh and john yoos lee (thanks guys for the patriot act, you make asians proud)
- tribal art tattoos, especially male armbands and female lower back crap
- profound obsession with gay marriage as either the great satan or the great savior (maybe i shouldn't have touched this one)
- the green party
- patchouli
- white people with dreadlocks
- michael jackson haters
- the color powder blue
- nutrasweet
- the new york yankees
- bullshit california activist drama (yeah, i said it)
- insane real estate prices and the impending housing bubble apocalypse
- the karate kid (ok, this is an old grudge)
- cowboy hats
- high heel women's shoes
- tanning salons
- girls gone wild
- tae-bo
- enzyte
- e! cable channel
- dr. phil
- maury povich
- ken tomlinson

next time:
list of best hopes for saving america
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