waxing pop philosophy on 2 hours of sleep through email

May 26, 2005 12:18

you dorko. but i love it.

i think what i really dig about lost is, and i've been thinking about this in the background of my mind for a long time, about how much i really get irked whenever i hear people say shit like "...and that's when it just hit me and i realized, wow, we're all basically the same, we're all human beings, blah blah insert sensitive liberal craptalking..." b/c i've never really felt like i was "the same" as any of these people who were trying to impose their shallow eureka epihpany of our mutal sameness upon me. i just thought we can't possibly be the same when there are such basic fundamental truths about each other that most of us never come close to understanding on any meaningful level, and especially when those basic differences of understanding are so driven by identities and experiences derived from our race and ethnicity, our gender, and our class. i was in the capitol yesterday and there was this state senator talking to a female legislator outside the committe room asking her if she could remember the name of some librarian he'd forgotten the name of. she said something like, "oh, you mean tom smith?" and he was like, "no,no, she was a librarian." and the female legislator was like, "yeah i know, tom smith is a librarian." and then me and one of the women from my office gave each other a glance and a smirk like, "yo i heard that wack shit too" where we connected through that kind of bullshit cuz despite her gay white femaleness and my hetero asian maleness, we both understand the mutual stakes we have against the constant heavy beating drum of essentialist dogma. and so that's it, you know, it's not about our fucking all-encompassing-monolith of crappy liberal sensitive human sameness, there are no meaningful answers or truths to be found in that piece of crap idea. the deeper shit is found in our connections that exist beyond our differences, despite our differences, across our differences. this is where true beauty hides, inside and around the dynamic of difference, connection, shared struggle through mutually high stakes, while sameness is only the powder and make-up that cloaks and masks what true beauty really looks like, what true beauty really is. the connection is in the shared stakes and struggles whether it's in resisting sexist bullshit or whether it's in fighting to survive on a weirdo metaphysical island with creepy french ladies and tree-devouring thingamajiggies.

and that's why i dig lost. i think it gets that. that difference itself is not the monster or the limit boundary for human beings, the monster is essentialism, the monster is socialized preconception, and that in fact despite our awesome human differences, we are all regardlessly still connected to each other, struggling to survive on the same crazy island.

so, i haven't gotten a lot of sleep lately and i've been working too much and my brain hurts a lot and this is my stress relief for the day. end rant.


--- xxx Lee wrote:
> My sister and I were watching the Season finale when
> we thought we recognized the chick who was throwing
> the explosive on the raft. Earlier in the show it
> shows charlie back at his hotel room, and there is
> this girl on his bed. She was the one who was trying
> to get the drugs. I think that she was the one who
> threw it onto the raft. I paused it and everything..
> I don't really see how she fits into all this. Does
> anyone see some sort of connection?
> I was guessing that the girl on the boat was Alex .
> . .
> Danielly has said in previous episodes that her baby
> was a boy.
> I think about it. its a GIRL, fairly young from what
> i can tell. Danielle had a baby GIRL that was taken
> by the others 16 years ago. i bet its Alex. As soon
> as screen captures are posted on lost media, I'll
> post comparison pictures.
> Danielle. She says something like, "I heard them
> whispering that they were coming for the boy". She
> assumed they meant the baby, but really they meant
> Walt. Oooooh.
> I thought the woman on the boat looked old. I think
> Alex is dead.
> Connection . . . when the girl left Charlie in the
> hotel room, she said "YOURE PATHETIC", and when
> Charlie rescued the Aaron from Danielle, he told her
> "YOURE PATHETIC" . . . hmmmmmmmm
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