Another User Another Abuser Another Pathetic Fucking Loser.

Jul 27, 2013 17:10

How low can one person be?
Your partner is dealing with a serious medical condition, in and out of hospital, in constant neurological pain.
She tells you her many docters have told her to stay away from stressful situations.
Suddenly the next day your docter has told you the same thing? Bull Shit.
Btw, i'm extriemly knowledgable in hypertension. If you had an underlying condition and hypertension was causing you to be tackiacardic or how you worded it, about to have a heart attack, you would be in hospital not at home writing bitter entries in your lj and skyping me. So wheres the high blood pressure medication? Where's the fucking ambulance, since your about to have a heart attack? oh wait that's right, nowhere cause it's a dirty fucking lie. I find it repulsive that you would lie about something so serious.

The sad thing is i knew this couldn't work, you're "trying to love me" ? you don't try to love someone you moron, you do or you don't. I knew i would lose this battle.

From the outstart he was too immature, close minded and stubborn to ever be with me. MAturity is understanding other people have other views, that you can't always be right, that compromise is key, that lying is wrong, and so many other things that he never ever even slightly managed to get.

Yet another person who claims they love me then does nothing but pulls me down back into the dark again, well not this time, this time i wont allow it. I hope you realise exactly what you've lost. Yes lost, if you hadn't lost me the moment you said i wasn't worth trying for, you sealed the deal by turning on my best friend.

Let me make this perfectly clear. I Will Never NEVER Choose You Over Her, NEVER!

Yet more a reason i end this now, you used her. You spoke to her daily and were friendly and lovely to her when you were trying to win me over, then all of a sudden once she's served her purpose you drop her. No. I will never allow anyone to treat her like that.

You are a selfish creature, you see nothing but negative in the world which you have admitted, how very very sad...

People like you will never be happy, because you wont allow yourself to be, i could have lit up your world and showed you magic in the world if only you had let me. You'll never find someone like me ever again, because im special, you're just another notch in the perverbial headboard.

Another tiny crack in my heart andother layer of my web. I'll be somebody, i'll make something of my life however short it is. Sad that i didnt even get to celebrate with you over my magazine publication coming through, or discuss agents and editors.

You may have knocked me down, but i have something you don't a constant beacon of light, love and hope. I have Mys to pick me back up dust me off and help me find my way home. I'm sure there will be others like you, all blips on my radar. But you'll never meet another me.

Now you can write a bitter little reply on your lj but guess what? I have the last word, i will from this second never ever look at your lj ever again and since you have absolutely no readers, no one will ever read your horrid little words, so you might aswell just skip writing them.

Either way, this is it, the last thing either of us shall say to each other.
You tried to hurt me, you tried to bring me down, but you failed, and now i'm determined tyo fly higher than ever before. Watch the stars, that's where i'll be, soaring amongst the stars, while you crawl through the mud of negativity.

Just watch my Wildest Dreams come true. Not one of them involving You.
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