Protection Money Part Three

Jun 18, 2010 10:29

Title: Protection Money Part Three
Author: Kyoko_godaikun
Pairing:  Junno/Ueda, Junno/OC
Rating: NC17
Summary: It’s been a year since Ueda Tatsuya left Taguchi Junno. Ueda finds from the tabloids that Junno has a girl friend. Still Ueda knows he has to try and save Junno’s life.

Ueda closed his eyes, hoping that the attack would end quickly. He wasn't sure what would happen, he had never been abused this way before. Usually the blackmailers would beat him up.

Ueda thought of Junno, his wonderful Junno. Would this really keep his former lover safe? He didn't want to be raped. He tried to get away one more time, but there was no escape.

He could feel the hardness push against his lips, and a horrible smell of someone who really needing a bath. Ueda could feel his hair being yanked so hard that he knew he would have a bald spot.

"Open your mouth or we do the same to Taguchi." They threatened Ueda.

There was a noise of flesh hitting flesh and suddenly the blackmailer was pushed away from him.

Ueda opened his eyes. His blackmailer was lying on the ground, and Junno was standing over him. .

The blackmailer quickly got up and charged towards Junno, who punched him hard in the stomach. Then Junno punched the blackmailer in the face. Ueda could hear a crack, and the blackmailer fell.

Ueda felt something cold and sharp pressed against his throat. "Get back or we slit his neck open."

Junno stepped away from the blackmailer. He put his hands in the air. For the first time Ueda could see that he was wearing brass knuckles on his left hand.

"Now!" Koki ordered as he attacked one of the two that were holding Ueda. .

Junno moved towards the one with the knife. He punched him so hard that Ueda could feel himself falling. Then Junno grabbed the arm with the knife and twisted it behind the attacker.

"Tat Chan, get away from them!" Junno ordered.

Ueda did as he was told. Moving behind the Junno.

Koki picked the fallen knife up off the ground. "Give me one good reason why I should kill all of you."

The third henchmen moved several meters away from them. He put his hands up. "There isn't any reason why you should be involved in this. This is just a low level blackmail."

"Shut up!" Junno hit him very hard.

Something hit Ueda hard in the back. He fell to the ground, scraping his hands and arms.

Koki turned very quickly. Ueda could see the flash of metal fly through the air. Then the knife that Koki was holding found its target, the fourth attacker's shoulder.

"Give back the money!" Junno ordered.

"Of course Taguchi Kun," The blackmailer quickly took the envelope of money out of his pocket and gave it to Koki.

"What are we going to tell his father when we don't come back with the money?" the second criminal asked.

"My father's the one that hired you." Koki realized.

“No! Not your father. We were hired by….” The second henchman pointed towards Ueda and Junno.

"Shut up!" The first henchman told the second. "You know this operation is top secret."

"You two have two seconds to get out of here. If I ever see you near Ueda-kun again, I'll kill you with my own hands." Junno threatened evilly. His tone of voice terrified Ueda. "If you have any doubt I can kill, ask my grandfather."

"I have your faces memorized." Koki told them. "If I hear anyone of you even looks at Ueda-kun, I'll make sure you're family will also pay. I am my grandfather's best assassin."

Ueda couldn't believe that the blackmailer and his men believed his friends. They got up and quickly ran away.

Junno turned towards Ueda. Suddenly he was the Junno he had fallen in love with. He knelt down by Ueda. "Tatsuya are you all right?"

"You shouldn't have stopped them." Ueda told his former lover.

"They were going to rape you." Junno insisted. "I couldn't let that happen."

"They'll come back," Ueda said weakly.

"No they won't. Trust me." Junno helped Ueda to his feet.

Ueda couldn't understand what was going on. One minute he was paying protection money to save Junno's life. The next Junno and Koki had beaten up the blackmailer and his henchmen.

"How did you know I was going to pay the blackmailers today?" Ueda asked.

"I kind of read the message you got on your cell phone." Koki admitted. "I needed back up, so I told Junno."

"We can talk later. Your blackmailer might come back with reinforcements," Junno decided. "Let's get out of here."


Ten minutes after the attack, Junno was sitting in the back seat of Koki's car. Koki had a stash of towels in his trunk.  Junno had a pile of them on the seat beside him. On the other side was Ueda, holding a towel to his bleeding nose with his good hand. His right hand was crossed across his lap and Junno was worried that he might have broken it.

Junno wanted to reach out, to hold Ueda. To touch him and tell him that the nightmare was now over. Something in his heart felt so good, that Ueda had never really stopped loving him. That he had left him not because he didn't love him, but because he loved him more than anything.

"Has your blackmailer attacked you before?" Junno asked him.

"He's tried," Ueda admitted. "Usually I can fight them off."

"How badly does your nose hurt?"

"What do you care," Ueda looked away from him.

"I do care Tat-Chan," Junno told him very gently. "I have a feeling they might have broken your nose."

"Oh great, just what I need a broken nose. Johnny-sama is going to be furious."

"Don't worry about him." Junno tried to reassure. "We can handle him."

"Where are we going?"

"To get you some help. My grandfather has a doctor that stays at his house.  She’ll take care of you."

"Wouldn't it be better to go to the hospital?" Ueda asked.

"No, it wouldn't," Junno said firmly. "Trust me Tat-chan."

"I do trust you, it's just...." He thought for a second. "Why are you rescuing me when you have a fiancée?"

"We'll always be friends." his former lover told him. "We've been through too much for me to turn my back on you."

"Really? How can you stand to be my friend after everything I did to you?" Tears began to fall down his cheeks.

"I can still be friends with you because I never stopped loving you." Junno confessed.

"I love you too," Ueda admitted.  "I am so sorry I lied to you."

Junno reached out, gently touching Ueda's cheek. "It's all right Tat-Chan; I understand why you had to."

Junno wanted to kiss Ueda, to take him into his arms and convince him that everything would be all right. Even though a year had passed nothing had changed. Junno knew that everything had changed. He was engaged to Miki. If Junno's grandfather found out Junno's feelings for Ueda while he was still engaged to Miki he knew that he would be putting both their lives in danger.

"You better warn him about Grandfather...." Koki said from the front seat.

Junno let his hand drop. In his worrying about Ueda he had forgotten about his grandfather and the life he led. He didn't want Ueda involved in that part of his life. He wanted to protect his lover from his family. He knew that Ueda wouldn't understand.

"Is there something wrong with your grandfather?" Ueda asked concerned.

"No, my grandfather's fine." Junno paused and plastered on his best fake smile. "Its' just that my grandfather's very, very rich. He has a lot of servants."

"Servants?" Koki echoed. "What do you mean?"

"Koki, we don't need to talk about our family. Do you understand me?" Junno threatened. "We wouldn't want you to have an accident or something."

"Your right, we need to warn Tat-Chan about our grandfather's servants." Koki agreed. "It's like his mansion is overrun with them."

"My family is very well off. I'm used to servants." Ueda reminded them.

Junno moved closer to Ueda. He put his arm around his former lover's shoulder. Ueda needed him. He felt his former lover lean into him. No matter what happened, Junno vowed that he would keep his former lover safe.


Koki finally pulled into Taguch-sama's home. Junno was afraid of what his former lover would say when he saw the large mansion.  Junno never understood why his grandfather had to flaunt his wealth. He thought it was better to be like his parents who had lived quite modestly saving every bit of money they could in case there was hard times.

Since Koki had called ahead, his grandfathers' servants had been waiting for them. At least Junno could pass them off as servants, in reality the men were his grandfather's body guards.  A body guard ran up to the car. Koki parked, he got out of the car and handed the keys to the body guard.

Another body guard opened Junno's door. He got out, then turned and helped Ueda to his feet. The body guard tried to help Ueda walk. Junno couldn't help notice that the body guard was wearing a gun at his waist.  Ueda moved closer to Junno.

"Don't touch him please." Junno said quickly. "He's been through a lot."

"As you wish." The body guard bowed.

"Is the doctor here?" Junno asked.

"Yes, she's in her office." The body guard told him.

"I need to take Ueda-kun to the doctor."  Junno ordered.

"Of course Prince." The body guard nodded at a second body guard who ran inside.

Junno started to follow the servant, and then realized that Ueda wasn't following him. He turned back to his friend. "Are you coming?"

"Are you sure we're safe here?" Ueda asked him. "I noticed some of the servants are armed."

Junno realized that his grandfather's place was way too much for Ueda.  "I promise that nothing will happen to you."

"Why are some of the servants armed?" Ueda persisted.

"The ones that are armed are my grandfather's body guards." Junno admitted. "After what happened to you, he's probably making sure you're safe."

"Yes, I understand," Ueda nodded. He followed Junno into the mansion.

There were slippers laid out for them. Junno quickly changed into his. Then he knelt down and helped Ueda change. No matter how injured his former lover was Junno knew they couldn't break his grandfather's very strict rules.

kat tun

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