Protection Money Part Two

Jun 16, 2010 10:23

Title: Protection Money Part Two
Author: Kyoko_godaikun
Pairing:  Junno/Ueda, Junno/OC
Rating: NC17
Summary: It’s been a year since Ueda Tatsuya left Taguchi Junno. Ueda finds from the tabloids that Junno has a girl friend. Still Ueda knows he has to try and save Junno’s life.


Junno felt lucky that the group had the day off. He didn't feel like working. It was the anniversary of the break up. The day that Ueda Tatsuya had told him that their love had been a lie. In the five years they had spent together Ueda had never loved him.

The problem was that Miki had dropped in with food for lunch. It was a surprise she told him. Junno couldn't make her go home. He would get in serious trouble with his grandfather if she was sent away. So he let her stay. Unlike Ueda, Miki had never cooked for him. She didn't know how to cook. Instead they always ate an endless stream of takeout food.

Junno wished he wasn't engaged. He dreamed he could run to Ueda, to tell him that he was sorry for whatever he did that made Ueda no longer love him. In his dream his lover would smile and tell him that he didn't mean it, that he really loved him. Then Ueda would kiss him gently.

The only problem was that Junno couldn't try to get back together with Ueda. He was in a committed relationship.  His grandfather had been bothering him since he had turned twenty to find someone, a nice girl who would understand his lifestyle.  When Junno was still hurting from the break up, he decided that perhaps his grandfather was right. If he could only find someone else that the pain from his broken heart might go away.

Junno's grandfather arranged an engagement for him.  The woman picked for him knew very well the problems that being a member of Johnny's entailed. Her older brother was a member of Kat-tun.  The woman that was picked for Junno knew him all of his life.   His grandfather had insisted it would be better this way, that love would bloom from something that used to be just a cousin.

The only problem Junno had with Miki had was that she looked a little too much like her brother. She was a small girl, with long hair. She was pretty, but Junno wasn't attracted to her. No matter how nice she was to her, he couldn't deny that he was gay.

Junno sat at the small kitchen table. Miki dished out some food and set the plate in front of Junno.

"Here Junno-Chan," She told him.

"Thank you." He waited for Miki to get her food.

She sat down across from him. "So tell me about your new single."

"It's the theme song for one of Kame's dramas."  He began to eat.

"Koki-Chan told me that it's got a lot of rap in it." Miki said between bites. "Are you rapping this time?"

"I'm a dancer not a rapper." He reminded her.

"Well, you rapped on D Motion." She pointed out.

"Koki's Kat-Tun's rapper." He tried to concentrate on the food.

"What's Ueda-kun doing on the single?"

"He sings." Junno told her a dumb joke to try and take her mind off of Ueda. His fiancée really liked Ueda. She had spent quite a bit of time trying to get Ueda to go out with her.

"I think he needs to play guitar on it, like he did on Real Face." she persisted.

"I'm sure he would adore playing guitar on the single, but we don’t' get a choice in what we do." Junno reminded her.

"Sometimes it must suck to be a Johnny's," She said stating the obvious. "I mean Koki had to grow his hair out. Do you think Johnny-sama will make Ueda-kun change his hair again?"

"Perhaps you should ask your brother all these questions about the group." Junno snapped.

"Junno Chan, what's bothering you?" Miki asked after they finished eating. "You're not usually this grumpy."

"It's nothing really," Junno couldn't tell his fiancé about Ueda. "I'd just really need some alone time."

"Are you sure you want me to go home?" Mari was concerned.

"I'm really tired." He lied.

"All right," she smiled at him. . "I'll be at grandfather's house."

"Tell him I said hello," Junno plastered on his best fake smile.

"If you see my brother, tell him that grandfather needs to talk to him." she said as she grabbed her bag.

Junno got up; he walked his girl friend to the door.

Miki tilted her head up, and Junno kissed her very softly. "I'll see you later."

"Yes, later." Junno closed the door behind her.

Junno quickly cleaned up the dishes and threw away the empty take out containers.

Junno then went into the living room. He took a photo album out of the book case. He knew he should throw it away, but he couldn't. He wanted to remember the happy times when he was Ueda Tatsuya's lover.

He sat on the couch and began to look at the photos. He had never been so happy in his life.  Ueda had been the one that taught him that it was all right to be gay, that he didn't have to pretend that he was something he wasn't.

Junno opened the album to his favorite photo. He could still remember the day the photo was taken. It was raining outside. Ueda's newest hairstyle wasn't behaving. Instead the humidity was making his hair curl around his face. It was the day that Ueda told him he loved him for the first time.

Other memories came; of the day that Ueda told Junno that he never loved him. That everything they had together was a lie. Ueda had only told him he loved him so that Junno would sleep with him. It was the day that Junno's heart broke forever.

"Why can’t I stop loving you?" Junno asked the picture. "Why do I keep hoping that you'll come back to me?"


Junno wasn't sure how long he spent remembering the past. Every photo held a memory. Most of the photos had good memories, but a few had bad ones. He reached out tracing the outline of Ueda's face. He tried to remind himself again that the relationship had all been a lie. The only problem was that it hadn't felt like a lie. When his lover smiled at him, it had felt real.

The doorbell rang. Junno wanted to be left alone so he didn't answer it. But the person had a key and Junno could hear the person unlock the door. Junno quickly shoved the album beneath a pillow on the couch.

It was his cousin Koki. Not very many people knew that the two were first cousins. They tried to keep it quiet, just like they kept secret their families business. They both knew it was better that way. If it got out that they were cousins they wouldn't be allowed to be in the same group.

"Where's Miki?" Koki asked as soon as he sat down.

"Why would you think Miki would be here?" Junno pretended to sound clueless.

"I'm the one who told her to come over. I knew you would probably need some cheering up today." Koki shrugged. "It's the anniversary of your break up with Tat-chan."

"You really think I'd sit around and sulk just because Tat Chan left me?" Junno smiled his fake smile. "I mean it's been a year. I've moved on, I'm engaged."

Koki picked up the couch pillow and took out the album. "Just as I thought; you're spending the day dreaming about him.”

"There's nothing wrong with remembering the good times." Junno took the album away from Koki and held it close to him. Koki couldn't understand just how precious the album was to him.  It was the only thing he had left of his relationship with Ueda.

"Do you still love Tat-Chan?" Koki persisted.

"Why do you need to know that?" Junno paused. "If you're worried I'll cheat on Miki, I won't. What I had with Tat-Chan’s in the past."

"I think you need to know that something really weird is going on with Tat-Chan," Koki continued.

"What do you mean weird?" Junno repeated.

"He got a text while we were working out today. He's to meet someone at eight, and bring money."

"So he has to pay money to someone," Junno mused. "Do you think he's being blackmailed?"

"Yes, I do. For some reason I think it has something to do with you." Koki guessed.

"We broke up," Junno reminded him. "He told me he never loved me."

"I work out with Tat Chan almost every day. We talk a lot about you." Koki continued.

"Why would he talk about me?" Junno asked. "He doesn't talk to me when the group's together. So why would he talk to you about me."

"If you want to know who Tat-Chan is in love with?" Then without pausing Koki babbled on. “He’s madly in love with someone. So much so that he almost destroyed a punching bag just talking about the guy's girl friend. It was in the tabloids."

The news that Ueda loved someone else really hurt Junno. He felt tears sting his eyes.  "Tat-Chan’s love life is no longer my concern."

"Tat-Chan never stopped loving you.” Koki paused. "He's always trying to be very sneaky and ask me questions about you. But the way that he reacted to the tabloid photos made me realize that he still loves you."

"Then why did he break up with me?" Junno demanded.

"I don't know. Koki admitted. "I think it has to do with his being blackmailed."

"If he's being blackmailed we have to help him." Junno decided. "He's supposed to meet someone at eight?"

"Yeah, at the park that's close to his apartment."

"We have to go there." Junno got up and went to the cabinet. He put up the album, and then he took out his weapon of choice. Junno didn't like fighting, but if he did he would need his brass knuckles. Even if Ueda hated him, Junno would try and rescue him.


Ueda went to the park. Ueda used to love to jog in the park. He could still remember the times when he would pull Junno out of bed in the morning and they would run together.  He knew that his relationship with Junno was long over. Now the park was simply a symbol of having to pay protection money to keep Junno alive.

Ueda could see the blackmailer walking down the side walk. He wasn't alone this time; he had three very large thugs with him. He had been beaten up by the blackmailer's men in the past. So Ueda knew to put his guard up.

"Got the money?" the blackmailer asked.

"Yes, I brought all of it." Ueda gave an envelope to him. "This means Taguchi-kun's safe?"

"What's what you're paying for, protection." The man looked through the envelope.

The first henchman punched Ueda hard in the stomach. Ueda doubled over. All Ueda could think of was the reason he was paying the money, to protect Junno. He punched the man hard, using all his fighting training against them.

It was very difficult for Ueda to fight.  He was outnumbered. Not only that, but his knuckles had begun to bleed again. But he did fight, even though every punch hurt he had to try and protect himself.

Someone hit Ueda hard in the back. He found himself falling. He was kicked in the side. Then Ueda was kicked in the face. He could hear something crack, and then his nose began to bleed. He tried to get up, but someone stepped on his hand very hard.

"Let's see how good the fag can suck cock," the blackmailer decided.

Ueda was grabbed by the hair and hoisted to his knees.  Ueda realized that they were going to rape him. He tried to get away.

Ueda was punched hard in the face. He struggled to get away. But one of them had grabbed his arms. They jerked his head back. Blood was pouring down his face, he could barely breathe.

The blackmailer moved closer to Ueda, unzipping his pants. Ueda closed his eyes and prayed that someone could come and help him. Then he felt the blackmailer's hardness press against his lips, Ueda knew that there wasn't anything he could do to get away.

kat tun

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