Jan 23, 2008 17:03
I'm out....the interest and drive I've had for one of my major hobbies is gone. No fear not mere mortals it's not gaming, it's MMORPGS.
Over the past few weeks it's just coming to dawn on me how pointless these things can be. I don't know if a big lightblub over my head that got lit up or got extinguished....it's just and melancholy feeling.
Let me run this down for you: I have always been a fantasy enthusiast. Hense a love of online games was easy for me to fall into. I played the original Everquest for many years, dabbled in DAOC, CoH, FFXI, and of course EQ2, and WoW. These last two I have been playing on and off for about 2-3 years. (more so on the EQ2 side.)
From playing all these games I've come to realize that, I just don't have the love of these games that I used to. Alot of it is the time involved sure, but there's something else under the surface. As I look at it more I think it's just the process by which you play these games.
The Bottom line...there's no payoff. It's all about WHY you play. If your playing with friends that's great...IF, and that's a big IF, you play with them. If you play to amass monies or items, all the more power to ya. If you play to be the 7337 uber mad skillz Lvl80 tweeked out Warrior...whatever floats your boat. It just doesn't float mine anymore.
These games are much like any other "collectible". There will always be new things to "get" else the developers loose your attention and hense loose subscriptions. Look at collectible card games and there you go.
I think I'm just tired of the never ending cycle. It's why you stop playing those card games.....your just tired of keeping up with it. It stopped being fun and became...Oh let me keep going eventually it'll be fun again.....nah not this time.
Now those of you "in the know" you realize how much time gets alotted to these addictive online obsessions. So...I find myself with an odd delima.
I'm sure I'll want to play whatever NEW and exciting online sensation pops up in the future, but for the moment I'm bored out of my mind!!