I sat down and talked with my academic adviser today. Her name is Amy and she is amazing! Her personality reminds me of my mother, though she gives much better advice than my mother ever did.
We went over what courses I still needed to graduate. I need to take 3.5 courses next semester: my final project, one CIS (computer science) class of any level, and 1.5 credits of anything. I thought I had my schedule planned out as of last year... but that was before I learned that none of the spring freshman level CIS electives would be offered. And that's when I started freaking out: "What do you mean I can't graduate because I didn't fulfill a freshman level elective?!"
Much angry internal monologue was said.
Thankfully Amy was able to fix it by pointing me to an alternative course. It seems that Amy is able to fix anything. Sometimes I swear that she should run for mayor/senator/president. The world would be a better place with her calling the shots.
Next semester I'll be taking: Mixed Media Animation (with one of my favorite professors ever!), my senior project, Market and Social Systems on the Internet, and whatever I want for the last 2-3 classes.
The best part: it looks like I'll have room in my schedule to take Japanese. I was sincerely hoping that I could continue with it next semester. Japanese is the first morning class in a looong time that I actually look forward to when I wake up. And I enjoy doing my homework and even reading the textbook. I haven't been able to say that since I took AP Calculus/AP Psychology in high school.
I'm still debating whether I want to take Japanese II or do the "intensive" course that combines II and III. I don't think I'd be overwhelmed in the intensive course, but I'm a bit worried about keeping up with the additional kanji. I couldn't pull an A/A+ out of it either. I'd probably end up with a B or B+. (Fyi, my university has different grading scales for A-, A, and A+. You can't get a 4.0 GPA if you have a single A- on your transcript. Crazy. Not that I'm remotely close to a 4.0, but...)
I'm still deciding whether to go for a math minor, a cognitive science minor, an art minor (but that would require Drawing II, which gives insane amounts of homework each week), or to use my extra class slots to take some random history/psych/art courses that I've been wanting to take for a few years. Or to just take 4 courses so I can focus on my senior project. But with the amount of tuition I'm my parents are paying each year, leaving a 5th course unfulfilled seems a bit like a waste...
In closing: I can't believe I'm a senior. What happened to the last 3 years of college? Time goes by too quickly. I'll be dead before I know it.
I suppose I should apologize for the boring post, but this is a personal journal, and I don't believe in making "private" entries...