Pokemon, retainers, and tornadoes, oh my!

May 20, 2010 16:23

After three years of waiting, I once again have Wifi on my DS. (And I'm assuming on my Wii as well, though I haven't tested it yet.) This means I can finally trade if I owe you a Pokemon! I think someone wanted an Eevee? I also have about 20 legit Celebis if anyone needs one. (That's what happens when you have 5 games and you convince your parents to wait in line with you.) Though I'll probably need some help remembering how to set up battles and trades with people. It's been a long time...

Diamond has the Celebis, my team, and almost every other Pokemon. Trainer: Nikoru. FC: 3351 0572 9300
Shut up, I know it has a weeaboo name. I made it in high school and I've completed too much to reset it.

Soul Silver has the Eevees and a few other things. Trainer: Reyson. FC: 1892 4424 3682

okapifeathers , this means you can rape me with your double battle team. XD

Yesterday I went to the orthodontist and got a new retainer. (My teeth had moved since I didn't wear the old one enough.) I popped it out as I always did with my old retainer. Except this popped out much easier than the last one.

It spun through the air before landing on the floor with a clack. In the bathroom. And of course it had to fall BEHIND THE TOILET. Who knows the last time someone cleaned back there... When I picked it up it had hair on it. All I could think was "And I have to put this thing in my MOUTH?!" OAO

I was mortified for the next 15 minutes.

I suppose I should be thankful that it didn't fall in the toilet, but I have a feeling unused toilet water is cleaner than that floor. I rinsed it thoroughly with warm water and let it soak in a cup with a retainer-cleaning tablet, but I'm still hesitant about putting it in my mouth. Yes, I'm a germophobe.

As a side note, I wish my city wouldn't sound the tornado sirens unless there was an actual tornado. They went off twice yesterday, once for a tornado on the opposite side of the county, and the second time for rotation in the clouds. There wasn't even a lowering, and it wasn't anywhere near my house, but the neighborhood sirens went off anyway. Thanks for giving me a heart attack! Granted, there were tornadoes on the north side of the state, but there was only rain and hail and some cloud rotation where I live.

friend codes, pokemon, tornadoes

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