Yes its been awhile. Yes I still love all of you. Well, not you.

Jan 20, 2006 22:33

So I haven't updated in, I don't remember.

I've been alive for the most part.  I've been super busy since the semester started.  I sat around all Christmas break playing GuildWars because that's what I wanted to do and I had nothing but time.

Since school started I've been running around like Superman.  I've been keeping up, for the most part, in all four classes.  This semester I'm taking IMSE 317 (Probability and Stats for Engineers), CIS 3501 (Data Structures for Software Engineers), CIS 310 (Assembly Language), and CIS 285 (Software Engineering Tools).  Reading, writing code, doing homework, all the happy fun stuff is getting done except for 317.  I need to put a bit more time toward that.

I've also been working hard for the Dearborn Campus Engineers as the President.  We are going to be doing a lot more for the students like the days of old.  There will be a lot of changes going on, but all for the benifit of the members and engineering students in general.  Keep a eye on the board across from the room for more info.  For the members and non-members reading this, membership drive week is this week.

Monday - Bagels
Tuesday - Donuts
Wednesday - Hotdogs
Thursday - Pizza
Friday - Candy!!!

Stop in, join the DCE and get some chow.  By the way, you do not need to be an engineering student to join.  Weird I know, but I just read the constitution and bylaws at the Eboard meeting last night.  So JOIN THE DCE!!!

I was also elected to the office of treasurer for the Omicron Beta chapter of Theta Tau.  I got all the need transactions taken care of, switched our local branch to one closer to out campus, and have vowed to have the books at every meeting as well as having them up to date each meeting.  I've been trying to setup a kick ass electronic system for record keeping.  Not that there is anything wrong with our current paper system, but an electronic copy will also serve to weed out possible mathematical errors.  I've received a ton of help from my brothers, but putting in all the records is a pain in the ass.  But it will get done, in a timely manner, and ready for the launch of our new website.  Yes, the reports of records will be in the members section of the website so all the members can see the records at their leisure.  By the way, if you are an engineering student and interested in a professional group to help you succeed, stop by and check us out.  We are currently in a rush period and are willing to answer your questions.  Stop by our booth in the ELB, any member studying in the DCE, or just ask anyone proudly wearing a set of dark red and gold "ΘΤ".

As of Thursday, I also took on the treasurer position for our campus' chapter of ACM.  It seems like a disaster to take on more, I know, but I made it clear that my time will be delegated to the other two organizations if it gets tight as my commitments to them came first.  This seems like a real worth while organizaton, and it was laid out as a very minimal position.  Seeing as I wanted to get my feet wet in this organization I accepted the job.  If you have an interest in computing and are tied to UMD in some way, stop by and check us out.

That's about it for now.  I've gotta get cracking on some homework.  Piece out bitches.

P.S. I'll report on the coolness of ski trip 06. Until then, go to and click on the links to help us out in our conquest to take over the Kings Of Chaos game. Thanks.
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